Wednesday 24 October 2012

opening scene in one shot

the camera is shooting from behind the girl.

the girl running toward  forest, she is running faster and faster and getting out of breath.

camera following the woman

the woman breathing deeply and quickly have reached in the forest and comes to stop.

the camera stops about 10-12 foots away from the woman with wide shot

the woman turns to camera with fear on her face and the sweat running

camera slowly zooming into the face to get the fear expression of the woman

the woman turning around in circles to see where she has reached and getting more fear

then there is eagle scary sound.

the camera shooting a wide shot

the girl screams loud and fall to the ground.

camera slowly zooming on the face medium close up and then black out.

                             end of the scene.

Friday 19 October 2012


      How is the chicken used as a metaphor in the opening scene of City of God?

The chicken is used as a metaphor to show the life of the Brazilian common man living the life   under the terror of gangsters. When the chicken is watching other chickens being killed the chicken get scared like any human would to see other human being killed front of their eyes, close-up shot is used to show the emotion, then the chicken thinks of escaping from that place just like a human running away from the danger to save their life. this is showed by when chicken tries to untie itself by straggling with leg. many close-up shots are taken to show the killing of chickens to make it look from the chicken point of as the chicken turns its head right and left.

When the chicken start running, the humans starts to chase the chicken it adds a little humour to the movie for audience to enjoy the scene but if it was a human absconding and the gangsters hunting him/her, it would have been more serious action. It also makes the audience think to treat every life as important as human life even if is an animals and the chicken is compared with Brazilian peoples and their lives as they would be suffering from the gangsters. During the chase, the savage streets of Brazil are showed to create brutal atmosphere in audience mind, as the gansters were pushing the poor people out of their way but none of them react back and it shows that how much terror they have formed in brazilians heart. Many long shots appears to show the streets of brazil and the stage of economy.The chicken also reveals the story line and life of the characters during the opening scene. The chicken tries to fly during the chase but it does not achieve that which suggest that every Brazilian does not achieve to get from the gangster alone. 

There was a little message, it was only one chicken who was chased by the lots of gangsters and even after that the gangsters found very difficult to catch the chicken and if there were few more of the chicken then it would have been impossible chase the chickens and the gangster would have divided themselves to chase the chickens and that means they power would have become weaker, it reflect that if one human stand against them then it is easy to fail one human by lots of opponents but if it was more than one men against all of them, as it would be difficult for gangsters to break them down as they would have divided themselves to chase the nobles, just like they would have done to chase the chickens and this would have weaken their power and then it is easy to destroy there brutal atmosphere that they have created.  

Thursday 18 October 2012

180 degree script

180 degree rule script

there are two character standing opposite each other and there is an imaginary horizontal line called axis between the two characters. keeping the camera on one side of the line connect the characters the first character will always be frame right of the second character, who is then always frame left of the first. if the camera passes over the axis, it is called crossing the line or jumping the line.

Sachin- getting off the bus, 
(the camera is right shoulder of raina)
(looking at raina)
hi raina, how are you

Raina- at the bus stop 
(the camera is left shoulder of sachin)
(looking at sachin)
i am fine how are you

Sachin- (the camera is right shoulder of raina)
did you enjoy last night party

Raina- (the camera is left shoulder of sachin)
yeah it was great, i had never had such a fun like last night party.

Sachin- looking at his his watch and then looking at raina again.
(the camera is right shoulder of raina)
i even had wonderful time, i loved the food

Raina- (the camera is left shoulder of sachin)
me too it was sooooo delicious

Sachin- (the camera is right shoulder of raina)
i am getting late, i have to go

Raina- (the camera is left shoulder of sachin)
oh yeah bye

Sachin- (the camera is right shoulder of raina)
see u later...

Wednesday 3 October 2012

180 rule and semiotics

red rose: love and beauty
white rose: purity
blue colour: youth, spirituality, truth
green: life, nature
black: death
red: danger

180 degrees rule is used to show the talking of the two character or opposite within a scene. An imaginary line is used to connect the characters and by keeping the camera on one side of this line for every shot in the scene. If the camera passes over the axis, it is called crossing the line or jumping the line.