Thursday 22 November 2012

three horror film

The Ring
camera: it starts with the wide shot to get the establishing shot of the location and zooming on the house and then the second shot in the house into the bedroom zooming from wide shot to close medium shot of the characters watching television and deciding what to watch. then the camera slowly zooming to get the close up of the character, close up helps to get the most of fascial to expression and specially to get the clear sound. zooming helps to connect all the shots that were taken as every shot is zooming in the scene to give especial effect.  
editing: dim light adds the dark effect as it is the symbol of scary so its creates scary feeling and sad mood. the branches without leaves gives a haunted atmosphere and the rain creates misery        
mise en scene: the whole scene is in the dim light which shows the scary atmosphere and when they tell the scary story to each other which is the fore coming story for the audience and when they were telling the story the voice is low and in every silence there is storm hidden.  
sound: there is voice over in the first shot, there is hint that the girl is the main character in the movie as she is talking through and voice is connected to the second shot with image of the girl whereas the other girl is sitting there with not many lines to say. 

Saw I
camer: it was dark and when the little light is moving the audience see a close up of one side of the face eyes closed, this could be that it is night and the character is sleeping nut when the light is moving the audiece see the waterand then the whole face in the water suggest that the character is in the bath with no lights on which is unsusal becasue people don't live to have bath with no light it gives creepy feelings. then the character is moving and the water drain way with the light and the character cough which shows that he is out of breath. when he call for help suggest that he here forcefully, when the character scream the audiece now he has hurt himself which also tells the audience that he does not know the place beacuse when you have been or lived in the place for some time you are familier with the things around and there less changes of you hiting into them or banging into them. when the "character say is someone there" it gives a message to the audience that he is not alone. when the light come on it hurt his eyes which tell us that is been long that he is in dark light.  when the other character is shown he was really calm and quite which show that he has been long in there and used to it therefore he is not reacting confuse or scared as the other character. but when the dead body is shown on the floor is very brutal and horror this gives a messege to audience that they are in deep trouble. the sound is non diegetic sound as the charcater moves near to dead body the sound built up to give the sudden feeling.    

Vampire circus
vampire started with bright light in the British countryside in the forest in the long shot the location and the little girl is shown, the costume that she wear shows the era of time it is set,. in the second shot it is a medium shot of a man sitting down which tells that the girl is not alone in the forest. in the beginning the movie starts with bright light whereas the other two movies has used dim lights and the ring and in vampire the woman is leading moving in beginning of the sequence.

1 comment:

  1. Www. Some use of media language which is applied suitably in some cases.

    Ebi. Not consistent and could be laid out in a more reader friendly way. Be careful about using 'zooming' this is not often used in film and tends to used to loosely as a term.
