Thursday 29 November 2012

woman in horror films

women in horror films now days have different rolls then they had in the past movies. now days woman are leading the movie from the beginning to the end and are the hero of the movie as we see the women fighting and saving herself and the others very bravely from the danger. where as in older movies women are used as the victim and their scream is represented to give feeling of danger. in many old films women are used as the sexual object to make the scene this shows the level of respect that era give to women. women comparing to men in the in those time we see them physically and mentally weaker and men on the other hand we see them strong and bold saving the whole town and becoming the hero.

Women in todays date in the movies are more open to the fact that they can be the hero of the movie and not just the victims however when it comes to vampires Women are left behind in the fact that men being the vampire with great powers and the girl being human and falling in love with vampire and the vampire male is saving her out of the troubles, in blade it shows that the woman saves the vampire in the fight when he was getting weaker she offer him her blood to fight with other bad vampire. but still that woman is shown weaker than the man during the fight when she only manage to kill few and show less stunt where as the man she fighting and killing fast and showing more stunt. if the women is vampire they have shown the  great power but still made look little weaker as the male vampire took over for the help. which suggest that female can not do the horror film by itself there always a men needed.

1 comment:

  1. www an attempt to explore the idea of representation of women in vampire films. Some brief references to texts and many general points made.

    ebi it is essential that you use media language throughout and also introduce more examples from texts. Also just as important is that you check spelling, punctuation and grammar, use capitals for proper names and beginnings of sentences. The basic of literacy MUST be present.
