Wednesday 28 November 2012

three script drew's script-o-rama

                        EARLY AFTERNOON

             In a Coach in the Carpathian Mountains

             A young woman reads to four passengers

                     from a travel brochure

YOUNG WOMAN:  "Among the rugged peaks that frown down on the

Borgo Pass are found crumbling castles of a bigone age."

               The woman is knocked from her seat

                     by the jostling coach

RENFIELD:  I say, driver, a bit slower.

MAN:  Oh, no!  Must reach the inn before sundown!

MADAM:  And why, pray?

MAN:  It is Walpurghis Night, the night of evil!  Nosferatu!

MAN'S WIFE:  (places her hand over his mouth)

MAN:  On this night, madam, the                    and to the

Virgin we pray.

                         LATE AFTERNOON

                         A Village Inn

              Villagers anxiously greet the coach

RENFIELD:  I say, porter, don't take my luggage down.  I'm going

on to Borgo Pass tonight.

PORTER:  (speaks in Hungarian to the Innkeeper)

RENFIELD:  No, no, please, put that back up there.

INNKEEPER:  The driver, he is afraid.  Walpurghis night.  Good

fellow, he is.  He wants me to ask if you can wait and go on

after sunrise.

RENFIELD:  Well, I'm sorry, but there's a carriage meeting me at

Borgo Pass at midnight.

INNKEEPER:  Borgo Pass?


INNKEEPER:  Whose carriage?

RENFIELD:  Count Dracula's.

INNKEEPER:  Count Dracula's?


INNKEEPER:  Castle Dracula?

RENFIELD:  Yes, that's where I'm going.

INNKEEPER:  To the castle?


INNKEEPER:  No, you mustn't go there.  We people of the

mountains believe at the castle there are vampires.  Dracula and

his wives!  They take the form of wolves and bats.  They leave

their coffins at night, and they feed on the blood of the living.

RENFIELD:  But that's all superstition.  Why I...I can't

understand why...

INNKEEPER:  Look, the sun!  When it is gone, they leave their

coffins.  Come, we must go indoors.

RENFIELD:  But, wait.  I mean, just a minute.  What I'm trying

to say is that I'm not afraid.  I've explained to the driver

that it's a matter of business with me.  I've got to go, really.

 Well, good night.

INNKEEPER'S WIFE:  Wait!  Please, if you must go, wear this for

your mother's sake.

    Innkeeper's wife places crucifix around Renfield's neck

INKEEPER'S WIFE:  It will protect you.

                  Exit coach carrying Renfield


                  The Crypt at Castle Dracula

    Dracula and three vampiresses awaken from their coffins


                           Borgo Pass

                    Renfield's coach arrives

          Renfield dismounts and the coach speeds away

RENFIELD:  (approaches awaiting coach)  The coach from Count


COACHDRIVER:  (motions to get in but does not speak)

RENFIELD:  (enters coach)

                     The coach speeds away.

RENFIELD:  (peering out the coach window)  Hey, driver!

               The coach is led by a flying bat.

                        LATER THAT NIGHT

                 The entrance to Castle Dracula

                 Renfield arrives at the castle

RENFIELD:  I say, driver, what do you mean by going at this...?

                       There is no driver

                  A door into the castle opens

                   Renfield enters the castle

                     Inside Castle Dracula

                         Enter Renfield

           Enter Dracula down a long flight of stairs

DRACULA:  I am...Dracula.

RENFIELD:  It's really good to see you.  I don't know what

happened to the driver and my luggage and...well...with all

this, I thought I was in the wrong place.

Dracula:  I bid you welcome.

                     Dracula heads upstairs

                      Offstage:  Wolf call

DRACULA:  Listen to them...children of the night.  What music

they make!

                   Renfield follows Dracula,

               breaking a path through spiderweb

DRACULA:  A spider spinning his web for the unwary fly.  The the life, Mr. Renfield.

RENFIELD:  Why, yes.

                     Renfield's Bedchamber

                   Enter Dracula and Renfield

DRACULA:  I'm sure you will find this part of my castle more


RENFIELD:  Oh, rather!  It's quite different from outside.  Oh,

and the fire!  It's so cheerful.

DRACULA:  I didn't know but that you might be hungry.

RENFIELD:  Thank you.  That's very kind of you.  But I'm a bit

worried about my luggage.  You see, all your papers were in...

DRACULA:  I took the liberty of having your luggage brought up.

Allow me.

RENFIELD:  Oh, yes.  Thanks.

DRACULA:  I trust you have kept your coming here...a secret?

RENFIELD:  I've followed your instructions implicitly.

DRACULA:  Excellent, Mr. Renfield, excellent.  And now, if

you're not too fatiqued, I would like to discuss the lease on

Carfax Abbey.

RENFIELD:  Oh, yes.  Everything is in order, awaiting your

signature.  Here is the lease.  I hope I've brought enough

labels for your luggage.

DRACULA:  I am taking with me only three...boxes.

RENFIELD:  Very well.

DRACULA:  I have chartered a ship to take us to England.  We

will be leaving...tomorrow...evening.

RENFIELD:  Everything will be ready.

DRACULA:  (pointing to bed) I hope you will find this


RENFIELD:  Thanks.  It looks very inviting.

            Renfield cuts his finger on a paperclip.


DRACULA:  (stealthily approaches Renfield)

         Renfield's crucifix falls over the cut finger.

DRACULA:  (turns quickly away)

RENFIELD:  Oh, it's nothing serious.  Just a small cut from that

paperclip.  It's just a scratch.

DRACULA:  (pouring a glass of wine) very old wine.  I

hope you will like it.

RENFIELD:  Aren't you drinking?

DRACULA:  I never

RENFIELD:  Well, it's delicious.

DRACULA:  And, now, I'll leave you.

RENFIELD:  Well, good night.

DRACULA:  Good night, Mr. Renfield.

                          Exit Dracula

RENFIELD:  (opens windows)

                           Enter Bat

RENFIELD:  (faints)

              Enter three vampiresses and Dracula

DRACULA:  (motions vampiresses back)

                  Dracula approaches Renfield


                      SEVERAL WEEKS LATER

               A B O A R D   T H E   V E S T A --

               B O U N D   F O R   E N G L A N D

                          NEAR SUNDOWN

                            On Deck

                The crew battles a raging storm

                          In the hold

                    Renfield awakens Dracula

RENFIELD:  Master, the sun is gone.

DRACULA:  (leaves his coffin)

RENFIELD:  You will keep your promise when we get to London,

won't you, master?  You will see that I get lives...not human

lives but small ones...with blood in them.  I'll be loyal to

you, master.  I'll be loyal.

                    Exit Dracula to the deck


                         E N G L A N D

                        THE NEXT MORNING

                         Whitby Harbor

                    On the deck of the Vesta

VOICE OF MAN 1:  Here now!  Here now, get back!  Nobody goes

aboard this here boat until the authorities are here.

VOICE OF MAN 2:  The captain dead, tied to the wheel.  Horrible

tragedy!  Horrible tragedy.

                          In the hold

             Renfield whispers to Dracula's coffin

RENFIELD:  Master, we're here!  You can't hear what I'm saying,

but we're here.  We're safe!

                            On deck

VOICE OF MAN 1:  They must've come through a terrible storm!

                   Offstage:  Renfield laughs

VOICE OF MAN 1:  What's that?  Why, it's come from that hatchway!

               Hatchway opens to reveal Renfield

RENFIELD:  (laughs)

VOICE OF MAN 1:  Why, he's mad!  Look at his eyes!  Why, the

man's gone crazy!

                   From the Whitby Newspaper

                          Late edition




              Sole survivor a raving maniac.  His

              craving  to devour ants,  flies and

              other small living things to obtain

              their blood, puzzles scientists. At

              present  he is under observation at

              Dr Seward's Sanitarium near London.

                       MANY NIGHTS LATER

                      A Sidewalk in London

         Dracula approaches young girl selling violets

FLOWERGIRL:  Violets!  Violets!  For your buttonhole, sir!

Here's a nice one.

DRACULA:  (drinks her blood)

FLOWERGIRL:  (screams)


                  A Symphony Theatre in London

               An usherette leads Dracula inside

DRACULA:  And after you've delivered the message, you will

remember nothing I now say.  Obey!

                        The Sewards' box

      Seward, Harker, Mina and Lucy listen to the symphony

                        Enter Usherette

USHERETTE:  Dr. Seward?


usherette:  You're wanted on the telephone.

SEWARD:  Thank you.  Well, excuse me.

MINA:  Oh, Father, if it's from home, will you say I'm spending

the night in town with Lucy?

SEWARD:  All right, dear.

                   Seward steps from the box

DRACULA:  Pardon me?


DRACULA:  I could not help overhearing your name.  Might I

inquire...if you are the Dr. Seward whose sanitarium is at


SEWARD:  Why, yes.

DRACULA:  I'm Count Dracula.  I have just leased Carfax Abbey.

I understand it adjoins your ground.

SEWARD:  Why yes, it does.  I'm very happy to make your

acquaintance.  May I present my daughter Mina...

MINA:  Count Dracula.

SEWARD:  ...Miss Western...

LUCY:  How do you do?

SEWARD:  ...and Mr. Harker.

HARKER:  How do you do?

SEWARD:  Count Dracula has just taken Carfax Abbey.

LUCY:  Oh, it will a relief to see life in those dismal old


SEWARD:  It will indeed.  Well, you will excuse me.  I'm wanted

on the telephone.

                          Exit Seward

HARKER:  The abbey could be very attractive, but I should

imagine it will need quite extensive repair.

DRACULA:  I shall do very little repairing.  It reminds me of

the broken battlements of my own Transylvania.

LUCY:  The abbey always reminds me of that old toast about

              "..........lofty timbers,

               The walls around are bare

               Echoing to our laughter

               As though the dead were there."

HARKER:  Nice little medley.

LUCY:  There's more, even nicer.

               "Pass a cup to the dead already,

               A glass to the next to die..."

MINA:  Oh, never mind the rest, dear.

DRACULA:  To be really dead...that must be glorious.

MINA:  Why, Count Dracula!

DRACULA:  There are far worse things...awaiting man...than death.

                          Music begins

                        LATER THAT NIGHT

                         Lucy's Bedroom

        Mina prepares to leave as Lucy prepares for bed

MINA:  "It reminds me of the broken battlements of my own Transylvania."  Oh, Lucy, you're so romantic!

LUCY:  Laugh all you like.  I think he's fascinating.

MINA:  Oh, I suppose he's all right, but give me someone a

little more normal.

LUCY:  Like John?

MINA:  Yes, dear, like John.

LUCY:  Count Dracula!  Transylvania!

MINA:  Well, Countess, I'll leave you to your Count and his

ruined abbey.  Good night, Lucy.

LUCY:  Good night, dear.

                           Exit Mina

LUCY:  (opens the windows)

             Dracula peers up at Lucy's open window

                   Lucy lies down on her bed

                           Enter bat

DRACULA:  (materializes and approaches Lucy)

                          THE NEXT DAY

                       An autopsy theatre

DOCTOR:  Another death!  Dr. Seward, when did Miss Western have

the last transfusion?

SEWARD:  About four hours ago.

DOCTOR:  An unnatural loss of blood which we've been powerless

to check.  On the throat of each victim, the same two marks.

                       SEVERAL DAYS LATER

              The Grounds of the Seward Sanitarium

                  Offstage:  Renfield screams

FEMALE PATIENT:  He probably wants his flies again.

                        Renfield's Room

                  Renfield pleads with Martin

RENFIELD:  No, Martin, please.  Please, don't, Martin.  No,

Martin, please.  Please, Martin.  No, Martin.  Oh, Martin,

please.  No, No, Martin, please.  No, Martin.  Martin, don't.

MARTIN:  Here, give it to me.

RENFIELD:  Don't throw my spider away from me.  Oh, Martin, oh!

MARTIN:  Ain't you ashamed, now, ain't ya?  Spiders now, ain't

it?  Flies ain't good enough?

RENFIELD:  Flies?  Flies?  Poor puny things.  Who wants to eat


MARTIN:  You do, you loony!

RENFIELD:  Not when I can get nice fat spiders.

MARTIN:  All right, have it your own way.


                 A Laboratory at the Sanitarium

     Van Helsing, Seward and doctors analyze a blood sample

HELSING:  Gentlemen, we are dealing with the undead.

DOCTOR:  Nosferatu!

HELSING:  Yes, nosferatu, the undead, the vampire.  The vampire

attacks the throat.  It leaves two little wounds, white with red

centers.  Dr. Seward, your patient Renfield, whose blood I have

just analyzed, is obsessed with the idea that he must devour

living things in order to sustain his own life.

SEWARD:  But Professor Van Helsing, modern medical science does

not admit of such a creature.  The vampire is a pure myth,


HELSING:  I may be able to bring you proof that the superstition

of yesterday can become the scientific reality of today.

                      LATER THAT AFTERNOON

                        Seward's office

                 Van Helsing and Seward confer

SEWARD:  But Professor, Renfield's cravings have always been for

small living things.  Nothing human.

HELSING:  As far as we know, Doctor.  But you tell me that he

escapes from his room.  He's gone for hours.  Where does he go?

                   Enter Renfield and Martin

HELSING:  Well, Mr. Renfield, you are looking much better than

you did this morning when I arrived.

RENFIELD:  Thanks, I'm feeling much better.

HELSING:  I am here to help you.  You understand that, do you


RENFIELD:  (shakes hands with Helsing)  Why, of course, and I am

very grateful.  (drops Helsing's hand)  Keep your filthy hands

to yourself!

SEWARD:  Now, now, Renfield.

RENFIELD:  Oh, Dr. Seward, send me away from this place.  Send

me far away!

HELSING:  Why are you so anxious to get away?

RENFIELD:  My cries at night.  They might disturb Miss Mina.


RENFIELD:  They might give her bad dreams, Professor Van

Helsing, bad dreams.


                   The crypt at Carfax Abbey

                 Dracula rises from his coffin.


                        Seward's Office

        Van Helsing, Seward and Martin discuss Renfield

                      Offstage:  Wolf call

HELSING:  That sounded like a wolf.

SEWARD:  Yes, it did, but I hardly think there are wolves so

near London.

MARTIN:  He thinks they're wolves.  Me, I've heard 'em howl at

night before.  He thinks they're talking to him.  He howls and

howls back at 'em.  He's crazy!

HELSING:  I might have known.  I might have known.  We know why

the wolves talk, do we not, Mr. Renfield?  And we know how we

can make them stop.

            Van Helsing holds up a sprig of wolfbane

RENFIELD:  (screams and turns away)  You know too much to live,

Van Helsing.

SEWARD:  Now, now, Renfield.

HELSING:  We will get no more out of him now for a while.

SEWARD:  Take him away, Martin.

MARTIN:  On your way, old fly eater.

RENFIELD:  I'm warning you, Dr. Seward.  If you don't send me

away, you must answer for what will happen to Miss Mina!

SEWARD:  All right, Martin.

MARTIN:  Come along, now, come along.

SEWARD:  What was that herb that excited him so?

HELSING:  Wolfbane.  It is a plant that grows in central Europe.

 The natives there use it to protect themselves against vampires.

SEWARD:  Renfield reacted very violently to its scent.

HELSING:  Seward, I want you to have Renfield closely watched by

day and night, especially by night.

                           THAT NIGHT

               Renfield's Room at the Sanitarium

                Renfield lies in his bed, crying

             Enter Dracula under Renfield's window

                      Offstage: Wolf call

RENFIELD:  Yes, master.  Master, you've come back.  Oh, master,

please.  Please don't ask me to do that.  Don't.  Not her.

Please, please don't, master.  Don't, please.  Please.  Oh,


                        LATER THAT NIGHT

                         Mina's Bedroom

                  Mina lies asleep in her bed

                         Enter Dracula

                     SEVERAL EVENINGS LATER

                       The Seward Parlour

                  Mina and Harker sit on couch

MINA:  I laid in bed for quite a while...reading.  And just as I

was commencing to get drowsy, I heard dogs howling.  And when

the dream came, it seemed the whole room was filled with mist.

It was so thick, I could just see the lamp by the bed, a tiny

spark in the fog.  And then I saw two red eyes staring at me and

a white livid face came down out of the mist.  It came closer

and closer.  I felt breath on my face...and then, its lips!

HARKER:  Dear, it was only a dream.

                  Enter Van Helsing and Seward

MINA:  And then in the morning, I felt so weak.  It seemed as if

all the life had been drained out of me.

HARKER:  Darling, we're going to forget all about these dreams

and think about something cheerful, aren't we?

HELSING:  Allow me.

HARKER:  Certainly, Professor.

HELSING:  Think for a moment.  Is there anything that might have

brought this dream on?

MINA:  No.

HARKER:  (whispering to Seward)  Doctor, there's something

troubling Mina, something she won't tell us.

HELSING:  And the face in the say it seemed to come

closer and closer?  The lips touched you?  Where?  Is there

anything the matter with your throat?

MINA:  Why, no, but I...!

HELSING:  Permit me.

MINA:  Oh, no, please!

HELSING:  Yes...yes...How long have you had those little marks?

HARKER:  Marks?  Mina, why didn't you let us know?

HELSING:  Do not excite her.  Well, Miss Mina?

MINA:  Since the morning after the dream.

HARKER:  What could have caused them, Professor?

                           Enter Maid

MAID:  Count Dracula!

                         Enter Dracula

DRACULA:  It's good to see you back again, Doctor.  I heard you

had just arrived.  You, Miss Mina, you're looking


HELSING:  Pardon me, Dr. Seward, but I think Miss Mina should go

to her room at once.

MINA:  Professor Van Helsing, I don't believe it's as important

as you seem to think it is.

SEWARD:  Excuse me.  Count Dracula...Professor Van Helsing.

DRACULA:  Van Helsing.  A most distinguished scientist whose

name we know...even in the wilds of Transylvania.

MINA:  I had a frightful dream a few nights ago, and I don't

seem to be able to get it out of my mind.

DRACULA:  I hope you haven't taken my stories too seriously?

HARKER:  Stories?

DRACULA:  Yes.  In my humble effort to amuse your fiance, Mr.

Harker, I was telling her some rather...grim tales of my far off


HARKER:  I can imagine.

MINA:  Why, John!

         Harker opens cigarette case with mirrored top

      Van Helsing notices that Dracula casts no reflection

DRACULA:  I can quite understand Mr. Harker.  I'm sorry.

SEWARD:  I'm afraid it's quite serious.  My dear, I'm sure Count

Dracula will excuse you.  You must go to your room, as Professor

Van Helsing suggests.

MINA:  Oh, but really, father, I'm feeling quite well.

DRACULA:  You had better your father advises.

         Harker notes that Dracula casts no reflection

MINA:  Very well.  Good night.  John.

DRACULA:  Miss Mina, may I call later to inquire how you are


MINA:  Why, yes, thank you.

                           Exit Mina

DRACULA:  I'm sorry, Doctor.  My visit was so ill-timed.

SEWARD:  Not at all.

HELSING:  On the contrary, it may prove to be most enlightening.

 In fact, before you go, you can be of definite service.

DRACULA:  Anything I can do, gladly.

HELSING:  A moment ago, I stumbled upon a most amazing

phenomenon...something so incredible, I mistrust my own

judgement.  Look.

              Van Helsing holds mirror to Dracula

DRACULA:  (slaps mirror to the floor)  Dr. Seward, my humble

apology.  I dislike mirrors.  Van Helsing will explain.  For one

who has not lived even a single lifetime, you are a wise man,

Van Helsing.

                          Exit Dracula

HARKER:  Whew!

SEWARD:  What on earth caused that?

HARKER:  Did you see the look on his face?  Like a wild animal!

SEWARD:  Wild animal?  Like a madman!

HARKER:  What's that running across the lawn?  Looks like a huge


HELSING:  Or a wolf?

HARKER:  A wolf?

HELSING:  He was afraid we might follow.

SEWARD:  Follow?

HELSING:  Sometimes they take the form of wolves but generally

of bats.

HARKER:  What are you talking about?

HELSING:  Dracula.

HARKER:  But what's Dracula got to do with wolves and bats?

HELSING:  Dracula is our vampire.

SEWARD:  But surely, Professor.

HELSING:  The vampire casts no reflection in the glass.  That is

why Dracula smashed the mirror.

HARKER:  I don't mean to be rude but that's the sort of thing I

expect one of the patients here to say.

HELSING:  Yes, and that is what your English doctors would say,

your police.  The strength of the vampire is that people will

not believe in him.


                     Outside the Sanatarium

      Mina enters the garden where Dracula stands waiting

                       The Seward Parlour

              Van Helsing, Seward and Harker talk

HARKER:  But professor, vampires only exist in ghost stories.

HELSING:  The vampire, Mr. Harker, is a thing that lives after

its death by drinking the blood of the living.  It must have

blood or it dies.  Its power lasts only from sunset to sunrise.

During the hours of the day, it must rest in the earth in which

it was buried.

SEWARD:  But then, if Dracula were a vampire, he would have to

return every night to Transylvania.  That's impossible!

HELSING:  Then he must have brought his native soil with him.

Boxes of it.  Boxes of earth large enough for him to rest in.

                   Offstage:  Renfield laughs

SEWARD:  Renfield?  What are you doing there?  Come here.

                         Enter Renfield

SEWARD:  Did you hear what we were saying?

RENFIELD:  Yes, I heard something.  Enough.  Be guided by what

he says.  It's your only hope.  It's her only hope.  I begged

you to send me away, but you wouldn't.  Now it's too late.  It's

happened again.

SEWARD:  What's happened?

RENFIELD:  Take her away from here.  Take her away before...

                           Enter Bat

RENFIELD:  No, no, master.  I wasn't going to say anything.  I

told them nothing.  I'm loyal to you, master.

                    Harker shoos bat outside

HELSING:  What have you to do with Dracula?

RENFIELD:  Dracula?  I never even heard the name before.

HELSING:  You will die in torment if you die with innocent blood

on your soul.

RENFIELD:  Oh, no.  God will not damn a lunatic's soul.  He

knows that the powers of evil are too great for those of us with

weak minds.

                    Offstage:  Maid screams

MAID:  Oh, Mr. Harker!  Mr. Harker, it's 'orrible!

                  Enter Maid from the Terrace

MAID:  Oh, it's 'orrible!   Dr. Seward!  Miss Mina...out there


HARKER:  Out where?

MAID:  Out there!

         Exit Harker, Van Helsing and Seward to garden

RENFIELD:  (laughs)

MAID:  (faints)

                     On the Sanatarium Lawn

                Van Helsing and Seward find Mina

HARKER:  (carries Mina)

SEWARD:  Thank heavens, she's alive.  Thank heaven for that.

HELSING:  Alive, yes, but in greater danger for she's already

under his influence.

SEWARD:  Horrible, Van Helsing, horrible.  Incredible.

HELSING:  Incredible, perhaps, but we must...

    Van Helsing, Seward, Harker and Mina exit into the house

              Dracula peers out from behind a tree

                        LATER THAT NIGHT

                        A Park in London

               Policeman walks down the park path

                    Offstage:  A child cries

                   Exit Lucy into the shadows

                          THE NEXT DAY

                     The Seward Sanatarium

             Martin reads a newspaper to two nurses

MARTIN:  "...several attacks on small children committed after

dark by the mysterious woman in white took place last night.

Narratives of two small girls, each child describing a "bootiful

lady in white" who promised her chocolates, enticed her to a

secluded spot, and there bit her slightly in the throat.

NURSE:  Ghosts!

MARTIN:  Vampires.

                      LATE THAT AFTERNOON

                         Mina's Bedroom

        Van Helsing, Harker and Mina sit on the terrace

HELSING:  And then, Miss Mina?

HARKER:  How could she know anything about the woman in white?

It's bad enough for her to read it in the newspaper without...

HELSING:  Please, please, Mr. Harker.  And when was the next

time you saw Miss Lucy after she was buried?

                          Exit Harker

MINA:  I was downstairs on the terrace.  She came out of the

shadows and stood looking at me.  I started to speak to her, and

then I remembered she was dead.  The most horrible expression

came over her face.  She looked like a hungry animal...a wolf.

Then she turned and ran back into the dark.

HELSING:  Then you know the woman in white is...

MINA:  ...Lucy.

HELSING:  Miss Mina, I promise you that after tonight she will

remain at rest, her soul released from this horror.

                          Enter Harker

MINA:  If you can save Lucy's soul after death, promise me

you'll save mine.

HARKER:  Darling, you're not going to die, you're going to live.

MINA:  No, John, you mustn't touch me, and you mustn't kiss me

ever again.

HARKER:  What are you trying to say?

MINA:  You tell him.  You make him understand.  I can't.

                        Exit Van Helsing

MINA:  Professor?  It's all over, John, our love, our life

together.  Oh, no!  No, no, don't look at me like that.  I love

you, this horror!  He wills it to me.

HELSING:  (calling from inside Mina's bedroom)  Mina, you must

come indoors.  You must.

                  Mina and Harker come inside

HARKER:  Do you know what you're doing to her, Professor?

You're driving her crazy.

HELSING:  Mr. Harker, that is what you should be worrying about.

 The last rays of the day's sun will soon be gone and another

night will be upon us.

                          Enter Seward

HARKER:  Dr. Seward, I'm taking Mina with me to London tonight

or I'll call in the police.

SEWARD:  But, John!

HARKER:  Mina, please get your bags packed.

HELSING:  Seward, I must be master here or I can do nothing.

Right, Miss Mina?  Both this room and your bedroom have been

prepared with wolfbane.  You will be safe if Dracula returns.

HARKER:  She'll be safe alright because she's going with me.

Mina, I will be waiting for you in the library.

                          Exit Harker

MINA:  Oh, John!  Father, talk to him.  Please don't let him go.

                      Exit Seward and Mina

HELSING:  Oh, Briggs.

                          Enter Briggs

HELSING:  Miss Mina is to wear this wreath of wolfbane when she

goes to bed.  Watch her closely and see that she does not remove

it in her sleep.

BRIGGS:  I understand, professor.

HELSING:  And under no circumstances must these windows be

opened tonight.

BRIGGS:  Very well, sir.


                   The Crypt at Carfax Abbey

                Dracula awakens from his coffin

                      Offstage:  Wolf call

                       LATER THAT EVENING

                       The Seward Parlour

              Enter Van Helsing, Harker and Seward

HELSING:  You will recollect that Dracula casts no reflection in

the mirror.


HELSING:  And that three boxes of earth were delivered to him at

Carfax Abbey.

SEWARD:  Right.

HELSING:  And, knowing that a vampire must rest by day in his

native soil, I am convinced that this Dracula is no legend but

an undead creature whose life has been unnaturally prolonged.

HARKER:  Well, Dr. Seward, what about it?  Is Mina going with me

or not?

HELSING:  If you take her from under our protection, you will

kill her.

SEWARD:  Now, John, please.  Please, be patient.

HELSING:  Mr. Harker, please, come here.

HARKER:  Well?

SEWARD:  John, I know you love her, but don't forget she's my

daughter, and I must do what I think is best.

HELSING:  Mr. Harker, I have devoted my lifetime to the study of

many strange things...little known facts which the world is

perhaps better off for not knowing.

HARKER:  I know.  But professor, all I want is to get Mina away

from all of this.

HELSING:  That will do no good.  Our only chance of saving Miss

Mina's life is to find the hiding place of Dracula's living

corpse and to drive a stake through his heart.

                         Enter Renfield

RENFIELD:  Isn't this a strange conversation for men who aren't


SEWARD:  Renfield, you're compelling me to put you in a strait


RENFIELD:  You forget, Doctor, that madmen have great strength.

HELSING:  Dracula has great strength, hey, Renfield?

RENFIELD:  Words, words, words!

SEWARD:  (talking on telephone)  Hello, Martin, didn't I warn

you to keep a strict watch?

                      The Sanitarium Ward

                 Martin speaks on the telephone

MARTIN:  What?  Again?  Yes, sir.  At once, sir.  Yes, sir.

Right away, sir.  Here, the doctor's pet loony is loose again.

                       The Seward Parlour

        Renfield talks to Van Helsing, Harker and Seward

RENFIELD:  He came to my window in the moonlight.  He promised

me things.  Not in words, but by doing them.

HELSING:  Doing them?

RENFIELD:  By making them happen.  A red mist spread over the

lawn, coming on like a flame of fire.  And then he parted it,

and I could see that there were thousands of rats with their

eyes blazing red like his only smaller.

                          Enter Martin

RENFIELD:  And then he held up his hand and they all stopped.

And I thought he seemed to be saying, "Rats...rats...rats!

Thousands!  Millions of them!  All red blood!  All these will I

give you if you will obey me."

               Enter Dracula at the terrace door

HELSING:  What did he want you to do?

RENFIELD:  That which has already been done.

MARTIN:  Strike me down dead, Doctor.  He's got me going.  Now

he's twisted and broken them iron bars as if they was cheese.

HELSING:  Dracula is in the house.

SEWARD:  In the house?

HELSING:  Doctor, this time he can do no harm.  We are ready for


SEEWARD:  Martin, come with me.  I'll show you where we can put

Mr. Renfield where he won't escape again.

MARTIN:  Well, all right, but I have me doubts.  Come on, old

fly eater.

                Exit Seward, Renfield and Martin

DRACULA:  Van Helsing!  Now that you have learned what you have

learned, it would be well for you to return to your own country.

HELSING:  I prefer to remain and protect those whom you would


DRACULA:  You are too late.  My blood now flows through her

veins.  She will live through the centuries to I have


HELSING:  Should you escape us, Dracula, we know how to save

Miss Mina's soul if not her life.

DRACULA:  If she dies by day.  But I shall see that she dies by


HELSING:  And I will have Carfax Abbey torn down stone by stone,

excavated a mile around.  I will find your earth box and drive

that stake through your heart.

DRACULA:  Come here.

HELSING:  (Takes three steps toward Dracula, then backs up)

DRACULA:  Your will is strong, Van Helsing.

                 Dracula approahces Van Helsing

              Van Helsing reaches into his pocket

DRACULA:  More wolfbane?

HELSING:  More effective than wolfbane, Count.

DRACULA:  Indeed?

                 Van Helsing pulls out crucifix

DRACULA:  (snarls and turns away)

                           THAT NIGHT

               The Hallway outside Mina's Bedroom

       Harker listens in as Briggs prepares Mina for bed

MINA:  Open the window, Briggs, so that you can let in some air.

 The awful smell from that horrible weed.  It's stifling.  I

can't stand it.

BRIGGS:  But the professor gave orders.

MINA:  Oh, never mind the professor now.

BRIGGS:  Now, please, go back to bed at once.  I'm going to call

your father.

                  Exit Briggs into the hallway

HARKER:  What is it, Briggs?

BRIGGS:  I don't know, Mr. Harker.  I felt strangely dizzy.  And

when it cleared away, Miss Mina was up and dressed and out on

the terrace.  And I can't get her to go to bed.

HARKER:  Well, let me see her.  Tell her I'm here.

                   Harker enters Mina's room

                 Mina stands out on the terrace

MINA:  John?  Oh, John, I'm so glad you're here.  What have they

been doing to me, dear?  Locking me in my room!  Oh, and the

horrible smell of that awful weed.  It's been like a nightmare.

What's been the matter?  Why are you looking at me like that?

HARKER:  Mina, you're a changed girl.  You look


MINA:  I feel wonderful.  I've never felt better in my life.

HARKER:  I'm so glad to see you like this.  I've been awfully

worried about you.

                          Enter Briggs

BRIGGS:  Mr. Harker, you've got to bring Miss Mina inside.

HARKER:  That's all right, Briggs, now that I'm here.

MINA:  Run along, Briggs, don't worry.

                          Exit Briggs

MINA:  John, look!  The fog's lifting.  See how plain you can

see the stars.

HARKER:  Yes, millions of them.  I've never seen them so close.

Why, it looks as though you could reach out and touch them.

Would you like me to get your hat?  Why, what's the matter?

MINA:  Oh, nothing.  Nothing at all.  Come.  Let's sit down.


                       The Seward Parlour

         Exit Van Helsing and Seward towards the stairs

HELSING:  Seward, that which I feared from the beginning has


SEWARD:  What?

HELSING:  Dracula boasts that he has fused his blood with that

of Miss Mina.  In life, she will now become the foul thing of

the night that he is.

SEWARD:  But, Van Helsing...

HELSING:  No, no, come, Seward, come.  There's not a moment to

be lost.

                         Mina's bedroom

        Mina and Harker sit together out on the terrace

MINA:  Oh, but I love the fog!  I love nights in the fog!

HARKER:  But only yesterday you said you were afraid of the


MINA:  But darling, I could never have said anything so silly.

I couldn't!  I love the night.  That's the only time I feel

really alive.

                           Enter Bat

HARKER:  There's that bat again!

MINA:  Yes?

HARKER:  Look out.  He'll get in your hair.

BAT:  (squeaks)

MINA:  Yes?

HARKER:  My, that was a big bat!

BAT:  (squeaks)

MINA:  I will.

HARKER:  You will what?

MINA:  Why, I didn't say anything.

HARKER:  Yes, you did.  You said, "I will."

MINA:  Oh, no, I didn't.  John, come, sit down.

        Enter Van Helsing and Seward into Mina's bedroom

SEWARD:  There must be some way...some way to save her.

HELSING:  There is only one.

MINA:  (unaware of Van Helsing and Seward's presence)  John,

that funny little old professor.  He has a crucifix.  I want you

to get it away from him and hide it.

HARKER:  But why, dear?

MINA:  Oh, he'll be wanting to protect me again from the night

or Count Dracula or whatever it is.

HARKER:  Well, I don't know.  He may be right, Mina.  Your eyes!

 They look at me so strangely.  Mina!  Mina, you're...

            Mina bends forward to bite Harker's neck

SEWARD:  No, Mina, no!

              Helsing runs forward with crucifix)

MINA:  (screams)

HARKER:  Give me that.  What's the idea?  Are you crazy?  What

are you trying to do...frighten her to death?

HELSING:  No, I was trying to save her.

HARKER:  Save her?  That's a fine way.  It's all right, darling.

MINA:  Oh, John, darling.  You must go away from me.  The cross!

 Put it away.  After what's happened, I can't bear to look at it.

HARKER:  What's happened?

MINA:  I can't tell you, I can't.

HARKER:  But you must.  You must tell me.  I have a right to


MINA:  Oh, John.  You can believe everything he says.  It's all

the truth.  Dracula, he...

HARKER:  Dracula?  What's he done to you, Mina?  Tell me.

MINA:  He came to me.  He opened a vein in his arm, and he made

me drink.

                  Offstage:  Sound of gunshot

SEWARD:  (looking over terrace wall)  What is it?  Who is it,


                       Below on the Lawn

                 Martin and Maid look after bat

MARTIN:  It's that big grey bat again.

HELSING:  There's no use of wasting your bullets, Martin.  They

cannot harm that bat.

MARTIN:  No, sir.

                        Exit Van Helsing

MAID:  He's crazy.

MARTIN:  They're all crazy.  They're all crazy except you and

me.  Sometimes I have me doubts about you.

MAID:  Yes.

                          Exit Martin

                        LATER THAT NIGHT

                         Mina's Bedroom

                   Briggs watches Mina sleep

                    Dracula peers in window

BRIGGS:  (removes wolfbane and opens windows)

                         Enter Dracula

                      A FEW MINUTES LATER

                The Front Gate of the Sanitarium

            Van Helsing and Harker prepare to depart

            They see Renfield approach Carfax Abbey

HARKER:  That's Renfield.  What's he doing at the Abbey?

HELSING:  Come, Mr. Harker.

                      Inside Carfax Abbey

                     Enter Mina and Dracula

                         Enter Renfield

RENFIELD:  Master!  Master, I'm here!

                      Outside Carfax Abbey

      Van Helsing and Harker look for a way into the Abbey

HELSING:  Where else would he be going but to Dracula?

                      Inside Carfax Abbey

              Renfield approaches Dracula and Mina

RENFIELD:  What is it, master?  What do you want me to do?

                      Outside Carfax Abbey

     Van Helsing and Harker find an opening into the Abbey

HARKER:  Look, here's an opening.  Mina!  Mina!

                      Inside Carfax Abbey

                  Dracula approaches Renfield

RENFIELD:  I didn't lead them here, Master.  I didn't know, I

swear!  I'm loyal to you, Master.  I'm your slave.  I didn't

betray you.  Oh, no, don't!  Don't kill me!  Let me live,

please!  Punish me, torture me, but let me live.  I can't die

with all those lives on my conscience...all that blood on my


DRACULA:  Throws Renfield down the stairs

                  Enter Van Helsing and Harker

                     Exit Dracula and Mina

HARKER:  Mina!  Mina!  He'll kill her if we don't get to her!

HELSING:  We must not be too late!  We have him trapped!  Day is

breaking!  We have him trapped!

                    Offstage:  Mina screams

HARKER:  Hurry!  Mina!  Mina, where are you?  Mina!  Mina!

Mina, where are you?  Mina!  Mina!  Mina!  Mina!

HELSING:  (seeing coffins)  Harker!  Harker!  Come!

HARKER:  Where?  Where are you?

HELSING:  Here!  Here, Harker, I have found them!  Get me a

piece of stone...anything to help me drive the stake through

their hearts.

                Van Helsing opens Mina's coffin

HARKER:  Is she?  How is she?

HELSING:  She is not here!

HARKER:  Then...then she may be alive!  Mina!  Mina!  Mina!


HELSING:  (Drives stake through Dracula's heart)

DRACULA:  (gasps)

MINA:  (screams)

HARKER:  Mina!  Mina!  Mina!

MINA:  Oh, John!  John, darling!  I heard you calling, but I

couldn't say anything.

HARKER:  We thought he'd killed you, dear.

MINA:  The daylight stopped him.  Oh, if you could have seen the

look on his face!

HELSING:  There's nothing more to fear, Miss Mina.  Dracula is

dead forever.  No, no, no!  You must go.

MINA:  But aren't you coming with us?

HELSING:  Not yet.  Presently.  Come, John.

                      Exit Harker and Mina

              Offstage:  The Sound of Church Bells

                            THE END

twilight-new moon

These violent delights
have violent ends...

And in their triumph die,
like fire and powder...

Which, as they kiss, consume...


Edward, don't!
She will see you.


Grandma, I would like
you to meet...

Happy birthday, Bella.

Happy birthday, Bells.

I thought we agreed,
no presents.

Well, the one from me
is not wrapped.

So, don't count.

It's actually great.
Thanks, Dad.

Uh, goes with this one
from your mom.

We coordinated.
Well, she coordinated me.

It's to put your pictures in,
from senior year.

Senior year.

How'd you get so old so fast?
- I didn't.

It's not that old.
- I don't know.

Is that a grey hair?

No! No way!

Happy Birthday.

It's really funny.

Another missing hiker brings
the total to three presumed deaths.

The Rangers are searching
for the killer animal...

Oh, it's Bella.

Today is the big day, Bella.

Uh, R and J essay due?
- Oh, yeah!

Wherefore art thou, Bella?

I wanna take a picture of you guys.
My Mom...

...wants me to put together, like...

...a scrapbook full of memories.
- Oh, of course, yeah.

I take them, I'm not in them.
- No, no, no, come here.

You'll photoshop my nose
if it looks big, right?

Don't worry, I'm in the picture.
No one will be looking at you guys.

It's good.

Oh, good.
Cullen's here.

Well, catch you later.

Happy birthday.
- Don't remind me.

Bella, your birth is definitely
something to celebrate.

But my aging is not.
- Your aging?

I think 18 is all youngster,
don't worry about that.

It's one year older than you.

No, it isn't.

I'm a hundred and nine.
- Wow!

Maybe I should not be dating
such an old man.

It's gross!

I should feel certainly repulse.

We have to go to class.
- Yeah.

Wait a second.

Someone wants you.

- Jacob!

I'll leave you to talk.

Hello, biceps!

You know, anabolic steroids are
really bad for you.

Well, I'm just filling out, Bella.

You know, wouldn't seem so drastic
if we hung out more.

We should switch schools.

Then you can come hang out
with the pale faces.

I'm alright.

I prefer the Res school's exclusivity.

They let any old rift raft into this place.

I see.
Why are you summing it?

I was just buying a part for the Rabbit.

You should really come, take a ride,
when it's done.

Is it fast?
- Huh, it's decent.

- Okay, good.

Hey, happy birthday.

Your Dad told my Dad.

Yeah, of course, he did.

I saw this the other day and
thought of you.

It catches bad dreams.

It's perfect.

Thank you.
- No problem.

See you soon. Bye.
- Yeah, see you later.

So, how come Jacob Black gets to
give you a gift and I don't?

Because I have nothing
to give back to you.

Bella, you give me everything
just by breathing.

See? Thank you.
That's all I want.


Happy Birthday!
- Shhh!

I thought, I said you,
no presents.

I've already seen you open it
and guess what?

You love it!

You're gonna wear it tonight,
our house.

Come on, please?
It will be fun.

Okay. alright.
- Great! Okay, I'll see you at 7:00.

Jasper, no fair
with the mood control thing.

Sorry, Bella.


Never mind.

You can't trust vampires.

Trust me!

O, my love!
My wife!

Death that hath sucked
the honey of thy breath.

Hath had no power yet
upon thy beauty.

Thou art not conquered.

Beauty's ensign yet is crimson in thy lips
and in thy cheeks.

And death's pale flag
is not advanced there.

I hate being celebrated.

There are worse tragedies.

Hm, look at Romeo.

He kills his true love
out of sheer stupidity.


Though I do envy him,
one thing.

Juliet. She's like perfect.

If you like that obviously
beautiful sort of thing.

No, not the girl, dear.

The suicide.

It's nearly impossible for...

...some people.

For humans,
a little poison...

...a dagger to the heart...

So many different options.

Why would you say that?

Because I considered it once.

I didn't know,
if I'd get to you in time.

I had to come up with
some kind of...


And what was the plan?

I would go to Italy,

...and provoke the Volturi.

The what?
- The Volturi...

Now, who would like to repeat
the last few lines...

just to show,
they were paying attention?

Mr. Cullen.

Oh, yes, Mr. Birdy.

O, here.

Will I set up my everlasting rest,

And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars
from this world-wearied flesh.

Eyes, look your last!

Arms, take your last embrace!

And lips, O you,
the doors of breath,

...seal with a righteous kiss.

A dateless bargain to engrossing death!

Eyes on the screen, people.

Thus with a kiss I die.

The Volturi are a very old,
very powerful family.

I guess, the closest thing to royalty
my world has.

Is that Carlisle?
- Yeah.

He lived with them
for a few decades.

Described them as
very refined.

No respect for human life,
of course, but...

...respect for the arts
and science as at least.

And the law...

...above all of law.

And vampires have laws?

Not very many.

There's only one and
it's regularly enforced.

What is it?

To keep the existence
of our kind a secret.

We don't make spectacles
of ourselves,

And we don't kill conspicuously.

Unless, of course,
you want to die.

We have to talking about that.

I can't even think...

...about someone hurting you.

Bella, the only thing that
can hurt me is you.

And I don't have anything else
to be afraid of.

That's not true.

She will come for me one day.

Alice will see
what she decides and...

...we will be ready.
- I can protect you.

If you change me.

Bella, you already do protect me.

You're my only reason... stay alive,
if that's what I am.

But it's my job to protect you.

From everyone except my sister.

It's time!

It's time! It's time!
It's time!

Sorry about all this.
We tried to rein Alice in.

Like it's even possible.

Happy big Birthday, Bella!
- Thanks.

I found it in your bag, mind?

Dating an older woman?


You first, Rosalie.

It's a necklace.

Alice picked it up.
- Thanks.

Show me the love!

This is from Emmett.

Already installed it in your truck.

Finally, a decent sound system
for that piece of...

Hey, don't... don't hate the truck.

Open Esme and Carlisle's.

Just a little something
to brighten your day.

We think, you looking
kind of pale lately.

Paper cut.

Jas... Jas!

It's okay.
It's just a little...


Get Jasper out of here.

I'm sor...
I'm sorry, I can't.

I'll have to stitch this up
in my office.

Check on Jasper.

I'm sure, he's very upset with himself.

And I doubt he'll listen to anyone
but you right now.


I never wanted that party.
- It's not your fault.

Jasper hasn't been away from human blood
as long as the rest of us.

How do you do it?

Years and years of practice.

Did you ever think it of...

...just doing it the easier way?


I knew who I wanted to be.

I wanted to help people.

Brings me happiness.

Even if I'm damned about this.


Like... like hell?

Carlisle, you can't be damned.

You couldn't, it's impossible.

Thank you, Bella.

You always been very...

...gracious about us.

So, that's it?

That's why he won't change me?

Imagine the situation in reverse.

If you believed as Edward does...

...would you take away his soul?

You can't protect me.

From everything.

At some point,
something's gonna separate us.

It's gonna be an accident,

...or illness,

...or old age.

As long as I'm human.

And the only solution
is to change me.

That's not a solution,
it's a tragedy.

You're not gonna love me
when I look like a grandmother.

Bella, do you not understand
my feelings for you? No?

Carlisle told me... you feel about your soul.

I don't believe that.

So don't worry about mine.

You should go inside.

It's still my birthday.

Can I ask one thing?

Kiss me?

I love you.

I love you.


Come for a walk with me.

We got to leave Forks.


Carlisle's supposed to be
ten years older than he looks.

People are starting to notice.

Okay, I...

I gotta think of something
to say to Charlie.

When you say "we"...

I mean to my family and myself.

Edward, what happened with Jasper,'s nothing.
- You're right.

It was nothing.

Nothing the way
I always expected.

And nothing compared to
what could have happened.

You just don't belong
to my world, Bella.

I belong with you.

No, you don't.

I'm coming.


I don't want you to come.

You don't want me?


This changes things.


But if it's not
too much to ask...

...can you at least
promise me something?

Don't do anything reckless.

For Charlie's sake.

And I'll promise something
to you in return.

This is the last time
you'll ever see me.

I won't come back.

And you can go on
with your life...

...without any interference from me.

It will be like...

I never existed,
I promise.

If this is about my soul, take it.

I don't want without you.
- It's not about your soul.

You're just not good for me.

I'm not good enough for you?

I'm just sorry,
I let this go on for so long.







I'll try to call Cullens place again.

The Cullens left town, Charlie.
- Good riddance!

Where did they go?

We'll find her, Charlie.
- Thanks, Harry.


She's alright.

I got her.

Thank you, Sam.

Alice, have disappeared.

Like everything else.

But who else can I talk to?
I'm lost.

When you left...

and he left...

You took everything with you.

But the absence of him
is everywhere I look...

It's like a huge hole...

...has been punched through my chest.

But in a way I'm glad.

The pain is my only reminder that
he was real...

...that you all were.

alright, that's it.


You're going to Jacksonville
to live with your mother.

I'm not leaving Forks.


...he's not coming back.

I know.

It's just not normal,
this behavior.

Quite frankly, it's scaring
the hell outta me,

...and you Mother.

Baby, I... I don't want you to leave.

I don't.

But... just go...

Go to Jacksonville,
make some new friends...

I like my old friends.
- Well, you never see them anymore.

I do, yeah.


...gonna go shopping tomorrow,
with Jessica.

You hate shopping.


I need a girl's night out.

Girl's night.


I like it, go.

Buy some good stuff.

Hi, Jessica, it's Bella.

Oh, yeah, Bella Swan.

I don't know, why you wanna sit through
all those zombies eating people,

...and no hot guys kissing anybody.
It's gross.

Like why there are
so many zombie movies anyway?

Is it supposed to like
draw a parallel with leprosy?

My cousin had leprosy,
it's not funny, you know?

And like is it supposed to be
a metaphor for consumerism?

Because don't be so pleased with
your own like...

...self-reverential cleverness, you know?

Like, some girls like to shop.

Not all girls, apparently.

I was surprised
you called at all, you know?

Like, your depression thing.
I'm totally... totally worried.

After a while, it's like,
she's still bumming?

And I'm going through
stuff too, you know?

Like Mike deciding
he wanted to "I just be friends? "

That's hard, you know?

What's up, guys?

Where you going?

Keep walking.

This is dangerous.

Dude, come on.

I think, I know those guys.

Well, they seem great.
Can we go?

I just need to see something.

Hey, girlie!

alright, alright!
We got a taker.

Turn around.

Sorry, I thought
you were somebody else.

That's cool! I'll be whomever
you want to be, honey.

So, what do you say?

You promised me nothing reckless.

You promised, it would as
you never existed.

You lied.
- Say some, babe?

You know what?
Never mind.


Stop! Stop!

Hey, um, what the hell is
wrong with you?

Just curious.

I thought that I saw something.

You're insane, actually.
Or suicidal.

That homeboy
could have been a psycho.

I was about to end up
in a FBI interview room, some lame TV show.

Oh, that was such a rush.


So, you're an adrenaline junky now?

That's cool!
You can go bungee jumping.

You don't get on the back of some
random loser's motorcycle!


Alice, I saw him.

Maybe I'm crazy now,
but I guess that's okay.

If the rush of danger is
what it takes to see him...

...then that's what I'll find.


Where the hell have you been, crazy?

I... brought you something.
- Okay.

It's a little crazy.

Wow, scrap metal!

You shouldn't have.
- I saved them from the junkyard.

I think, they'll probably cost
more to fix than they're worth.

...but then I thought that...

if I had a mechanic-type friend
to help me out,

Huh, me?

Being the mechanic-type friend?
- That's right.

Since when are you into motorcycles?
- Since now.

I get it if you think this is
really stupid and reckless.

Yeah, it's completely
stupid and reckless.

When do we start?

Now. Please.
- alright.

Oh, hey, be careful.
These things are actually really...

...heavy. So,

Jacob, you're like buff.

How that can happen?
You're like 16, I don't get it.

Age is just a number, baby.
What, you're like 40, now?

Feels like that sometimes.

That song was good.
You don't like it?

I don't really like... anymore kind of...

No more music.

I was thinking,
if we're gonna do this everyday,

...and hopefully we will...

We have to, like, fit some homework
in there somewhere.

I don't want Billy thinking that
I'm a bad influence on you.

You influence me?

Are you...?
I'm older than you.

So that makes me the influencer
and you the influence.

No, no, no.

My size and knowledge base actually
makes me older than you.

Because of your gentle paleness
and lack of know-how.

I convinced you to build
two-wheeled death machines with me.

Don't you think that makes
you funny, young and naive?

So, where do we stand?

I'm thirty five...

...and you might be like 32.
- Come on.

Yo, Jake, you in there?
- No, it's okay.

It's... It's just my boys.

Hey, Jake.
- Hey. Guys, this is Bella.

Bella, that's Quil and Embry.

I'm Quil Ateara.

So the bike building story is true.

Oh, yeah, yeah!
I taught him everything he knows.

What about the part
where you're his girlfriend?

Uh, we're friends, you know?
- Hmm. Burn!

Actually, I remember, I said
she's a girl and a friend.

Embry, do you remember him
making that distinction?


So you guys have girlfriends.
It's awesome.

Yeah, right.

Quil's actually taken his cousin to prom.

Yeah, that's still a riot.

You want funny, Black?
I'll give you funny.


I got five bucks on Quil.
- You're on.

Dear Alice, I wish,
I had your real address.

I wish, I could tell you
about Jake.

He makes me feel better.

I mean,
he makes me feel alive.

The hole in my chest...

...while when I'm with Jake,

It's like, it almost healed.
For a while.

Quil keeps asking to come over.

I think he likes you
a little too much.

Oh, I'm really not into
the whole cougar thing, you know?

What's up with you and age?

I mean, how old was that
Cullen guy anyway?

But even Jake can't keep
the dreams away.

Hey, Bella!

You're alright. You're okay?
- No.

I thought this thing was
starting to work,

...but I guess not.

Can I ask you something?

Hanging out with Jacob...

...does seems to take your mind
off things for a bit, doesn't it?

You know, sometimes... gotta learn to love
what's good for you.

You know, what I mean?

Of course, what do I know?

I'm just a terminal bachelor.

Famous ladies man.


Go to bed.

I love you.

If I told you,

...I couldn't have fixed these bikes,
what would you say?

Are you doubting your mad skills?

No, definitely not.
I mean, they're all fine.

It's just...

May be if I was smarter
would have dragged out to rebuild them.

If you told me,
you couldn't fix these bikes.

I would say that that's...

...really too bad but...

...he's gonna find something else to do.

Is that Sam Uley?

Yeah, and his cult.

Oh, my God!

Did you see that?

They're not really fighting, Bella.

They're cliff diving.

Scary as hell,
but a total rush.

- Most of us jump from lower down.

We'll leave the showing off
to Sam and his disciples.

Is some kind of beef
with them or something?

Oh, no.

They just think they run this place.

Embry used to call them hall
monitors on steroids.

Now, look at him.
- That's Embry?

- What happened to him?

He missed some school...

...and all of a sudden started following
Sam around like a little puppy.

Same thing with Paul and Jared.

Sam keeps giving me this look, he's waiting for me
or something.

It's kinda starting to freak me out.

Well, you should just avoid him.

I'll try.


You look scared.
- I'm not.

Alright! Brake.

Clutch. Good.



Now slowly... release the clutch.



You alright?

I'm gonna go again.

Hit the brake!

I wanna go again.
- Are you trying to get yourself killed?

I'll try again.
- No, forget it.

No more bikes.

Man, your head.

Oh, my God, I'm sorry.

You're apologizing for bleeding?

Yeah, I guess, I am.

It's just blood, Bella.
No big deal.

What are you staring at?

You're sort of beautiful.

How hard did you hit your head?

I don't know.

Let's go.

I did see something in the woods.
- Sure, baby, I believe you.

No, he doesn't.
He's just trying to get lucky.

It was jet black and huge.

On all fours, it was still taller
than a person.

A bear, may be?

Or an alien.
You're lucky that you didn't get probed.

Oh, yeah.

Well, I saw it.

You're not the only one.

My Dad's been getting reports
at the station.

Like five hikers been killed by some bear.

But they can't find the bear.

Last time you clowns
doubt my girlfriend.

So, I mean...

Bella is back.

Yeah, I guess so.
- Huh, that's... Welcome.

So listen, not now that...
You know, you're talking and...

...eating again, you know?

You gotta get that protein in there.

I was just wondering,
if you wanted to go see a movie with me.

Yeah, sure.
Yeah, I do.

Cool, um, let me see...

We could check out
"Love spelled backwards is love. "

Yeah, it's a dumb title,
but, um, it's a romantic comedy.

I mean, it's supposed to be.
- No. No romance.

How about "Face Punch"?
You heard of that?

Well, it's an action movie.
- Yeah, it's perfect.

With guns... adrenaline...'s my thing
- Okay.

We should get a bunch of people to go.
Do you guys wanna go see...

..."Face Punch"?
- "Face Punch"? Yeah!

Mike, hey, we were supposed
to watch that?

Remember the trailer's like...
- Yeah?

Punch his face in.
- I don't remember that.

Movie night with Bella!

So, "Face Punch", huh?
You like action movies?

Not really.

I heard it sucks. Bad.

Hey, are you even old enough
to see this movie?

I mean, you know, without adult supervision?
- Right, yeah.

Well, she's buying my ticket for me.
- She's buying it, okay.

Jessica bailed
and Angela's got the stomach flu Eric's taking care of her.

So, it's just us three.
- Great.

- Yeah.

Put the gun down.

Put your gun down or I'm gonna
blow your freaking head off.

Both of you!

Put both of your guns down or I'm gonna
blow both of your freaking heads off.

Alright, let's do this!

Okay, I think I'm gonna throw up!

- What a marshmallow!

You should hold out for someone
with a stronger stomach.

Someone who laughs at the gore
that makes weaker men vomit.

Yeah, I'll keep my eye open for that.

I feel bad.
He probably has that flu that's...

...going around.

What? I can't hold your hand?
- No, of course, you can.

I just think it means
something really different to you.


Okay, tell me something.
You like me, right?

And you think, I'm sorta beautiful?

Jake, please...
don't do this.


Because you are about
to ruin everything.

And I need you.

Well, I've got loads of time.

I'm not gonna give up.

I don't want you to.


It's just because I don't want you
to go anywhere.

It's... it's really selfish.

You know, I'm not like a car
that you can fix up.

I'm never gonna run right.

So I should be fair to you.

It's because of him, right?

Look, I know what he did to you.

But, Bella, I would never,
ever do that.

I won't ever hurt you.
I promise.

I won't let you down.

You can count on me.


I need to go home.

I'm... I was feeling sick
before the movie, okay?

What is your problem?
- Right now?

You are my problem.

Feeling sick?
Maybe you need to go to the hospital.

Do you want me
to put you in the hospital?

Jake... Jake, the movie's over.
What are you doing?

Jake, you're really hot.

Like, you feel like you have a fever.
Are you okay?

I don't know what's happening.

I gotta go.

That dude is weird.


Uh, your Dad says you have mono.

He won't let me visit but...
would you call me?

Hey, uh, it's me again.
I just...

I'm sorry about what I said
at the movie theatre.

I just wanted to hear your voice.
So, no pressure.

Jacob, please call me.

Okay, we should be
back around three.


Look, I don't have to go fishing today.
- Yes, you do.

Yeah, you do. Go.
What are you talking about?

Just be careful.
- I always am.

Those bears won't get
the drop on me, Bella.

My kung foo is strong.


You cut your hair?

And got a tattoo?


I thought you were too sick
to come outside.

Or pick up the phone
when I'd call.

Go away.
- What?

Go away.

What happened to you?
What's wrong?

Hey, what happened?

Did Sam get to you?
Is that what's happening?

Sam's trying to help me,
don't blame him.

But if you want somebody to blame,

How about those
filthy bloodsuckers, you love?

The Cullens.

I don't know
what are you talking abØut.

You know exactly
what I'm talking about.

You been lying to everyone.

But you can't lie to me.

Not anymore, Bella.
- Come on! Jacob!

Look, Bella...

We can't be friends anymore.

Jake, I know that
I have been...

...hurting you.

It's... it's killing me.
It kills me.

If you, may be,
give me like some time.


It's not you.

It's not you, it's me, right?

It's true!
It is me.

I'm not good.

I used to be... a great kid.

Not anymore.

It doesn't even matter, alright?
This is over.

You can't break up with me.

I mean...

I mean, you're my best friend.

You promised me.

I know.

I promised that
I won't hurt you, Bella.

And this is me keeping that promise.

Go home.

And don't come back.
Ør you're gonna get hurt.


Things are...

Things are bad again.

Without Jake, I just...
I can't stand it.

I don't see Edward anymore.

Now it really feels like
he never existed.

I will find a place
where I can see him again.

- Laurent!

I didn't expect to find you here.

I went to visit the Cullens, but...
the house is empty.

I'm surprised they left you behind.

Weren't you sort of a, um,

...a pet of theirs?

Yeah. You could say that.

Do they Cullens visit often?


Yeah, absolutely, all the time.
- Lie better.

I'll tell them that you stopped by.

I probably shouldn't tell... Edward.

Because he's pretty protective.
- But he's far away, isn't he?

Why are you here?

I came as a favor to Victoria.


She asked me to see
if you were still...

...under the protection
of the Cullens.

Victoria feels it's only fair
to kill Edwards mate...

...given he killed hers.

An eye for an eye.

Threaten him.
- Edward would know who did it!

And he'd come after you.

I don't think he will.

After all, how much could
you mean to him...

...if he left you here unprØtected?

Victoria won't be happy
about me killing you.

But I can't help myself.

You're so mouthwatering.
- Please, don't!

I mean, you'd helped us.
- Shhhh!

Don't be afraid.
I'm doing you a kindness.

Victoria plans on killing you
slowly, painfully,

...where as I'll make it quick.
I promise.

You will feel nothing.

Edward, I love you.

I don't believe it.

Dad, I saw them!

What's the matter?
- In the woods. They are not bears!

What you mean in the woods?

Bella, what the hell were you doing
out in the woods?

They are wolves.
I mean, they're like huge wolves!

Are you sure about that, Bella?
- Yeah, I just saw them.

They were after... something.

Wolves? You saw?

Well, Harry,

...feel like going hunting?

Can you get some of
your guys together?

Sure, yeah. I'll...
I'll just...

I know that those wolves
will be dead.

And Laurent would have told her
I'm unprotected.


I should go to the station.

Dad, you should...
You should go.

You can just stay in the house?


Oh, you scared me.

What the hell are you doing?
- Back up. I'm coming up.

Look, look, I'm sorry.

For what?
- I wish I could explain,

...but I literally... can't!

Have you ever had a secret
you couldn't tell anyone?

One that wasn't yours to share.

Well, that's what
it's like for me.

Or worse.

You have no idea,
how tight I'm bounded.

I hate this.

I hate what they have
done to you.

I mean, the killer part is
you already know!

Bella, do you remember,
when walked on the beach in La Push?

The sto...

The story...
The story about the cold ones.

I guees, I understand why that's
the only part you remember.

There must gotta be something
You can do...

I'm in it for life.

May be we should just
get out of here for a while.

We'll just leave.
Just you and me.

You can do that?

I'll do it for you.

It's not something
I can just run away from, Bella.

But I would run away with you.

If I could.

I gotta go.
They'll certainly wonder where I am.

Come here.

Try to remember.

It would be so much easier
if you knew...

I tried, but...

Jake, what are you doing?
Wait, Jake.


Edward, I'm scared.

You should be.

Really it's just like an old story...

That we're not supposed to
say anything about...

Did you know, the Quileute are
supposed to be descendants from wØlves?


I need to see him.

He's not in.

I'm sorry, really need to see him.
- Bella?

What did you do?

Okay, what did you do?
- Hey!

What did you do to him?
- Easy!

He didn't want this!
- But we do.

What did he do? What did he tell you?
- Both of you calm...

Nothing! He told me nothing,
because he's scared of you!

Too late, now.
- Bella, get back.

Paul, calm down now.



Jake, run!

Take Bella back to Emily's place.

Guess the wolf's out of the bag.


Is it possible that everything is true?

The fairy tales and
horror stories?

Is it possible that there isn't anything
sane and normal at all?

Hey, I think, we should go back
and see if Jacob's okay.

I hope Paul gets some teeth in him.
Serve him right.

No way. Jake's a natural.
You see him phase on the fly?

I gotta fiver says,
Paul doesn't touch him.

Come on in, Bella.
We won't bite.

Speak for yourself.

Oh, hey, about Emily...
Sam's fiance,

...don't stare.
It bugs him.

Why would I stare?

You guys hungry?
Like I have to ask...

Who's this?

Bella Swan.
Who else?

So, you’re the vampire girl.

So, you're the wolf girl.

Guess so.

Well, I'm engaged to one.

Save some for your brothers.

And the ladies first.

- Sure. Thanks.

Leave it to Jake upto find
a way around Sam's gag order.

He didn't say anything to me.
- That's a wolf thing.

Alpha's orders get obeyed
whether we want to or not.

Alright, check it out!
We can hear each other's thoughts.

Will you just shut up?
These are trade secrets.

Damn it!
This chick runs with vampires.

I can't really run with vampires.

Because they are fast.

Yeah? Oh, we are faster.

Freaked out yet?

You're not the first monsters, I met.

Jake's right.
You are good with the weird.


So you're a werewolf?

Yeah, last time I checked.

A few lucky members of the tribe
that have the gene.

If a bloodsucker moves into town,
and the fever sets in.


Yeah, I wish.

You can't find a way to stop?

I mean it's wrong.

It's not a life-style choice, Bella.

I was born this way,
I can't help it.

You are such a hypocrite.

What, I'm not the
right kind of monster for you?

It's not what you are.
It's what you do.

They never hurt anybody.

You killed people, Jake.

Bella, we're not killing anyone.

Then, who is?

We're trying to protect
you people from them.

The only thing we do kill.


Jake, you can't...

Don't worry, we can't touch your
little precious Cullens.

Unless they violate the Treaty.

It's not what I'm saying.

You can't kill vampires, though.

They will kill you.
- Really?

We took out that leech with
the dreads easy enough.


And his redhead girlfriend is next.

Vic... Victoria is here?
- Was.

We chased her all the way to the
Canadian border the other night.

But she keeps coming back.

We don't know what she's after.
- I do.


Don't worry,
we've got this place covered.

She won’t get near you or Charlie.

But you gotta be careful.

She's fast, you don't know,
how fast she is.

You know, your lack of confidence
in us is a little insulting.

Alright, I better go.

And you gotta go.
- Yeah.

I got a vampire to kill.

Alice, I'm alright.

Until I'm alone.

And lately,
that's all the time.

Jacob's gone,
he's hunting for Victoria.

And Charlie is hunting Jacob.

And you're gone.

And so is Edward.

And I just have nothing now.

You got something, Harry?

Nope, nothing.

But I realize where I have to go,

What I have to do
to see him again.

Don't do this.

You wanted me to be human.

Watch me.

Please? For me?

You won't stay with me
any other way.

Bella. Please.



Come on, Bella.

Bella, can you hear me?


What the hell were you thinking, huh?

I just needed to see something.

Take her home.

I'm gonna go help over at Harry's place.

What happened at Harry's?

Harry Clearwater had a heart attack.

Charlie and my Dad are at Harry's place
with his family.

Is he okay?
- He's gone.

Come on, I'll give you sØmething to dry
and drive you home.

Hundred and eight degrees over here.


My hands are freezing.

It must be nice, never getting cold.

It’s a wolf thing.
- It's not.

It’s a Jacob thing.
You’re just warm.

You're like, your own sun.

This is better.
Now that you know about me.


You saw what happened to Emily.

Sam got angry,

...lost it for a split second...

...Em was standing too close.

He will never be able
to take that back.

What if I get mad at you?


I feel like, I'm gonna disappear.

You need not hear it from me.

But I always will.
You're not gonna loose yourself.

I won't let that happen.


I'll tell you all the time.

How special you are.

Thank you...

...for everything.


There's a vampire.
- How do you know?

I can smell it.
I'm getting you out.

That's Carlisle's car!

They’re here.

Bella, it's a trick. Stop!

You gotta come with me.

They won't hurt me.

If a Cullen is back here,
this is their territory.

The treaty says we can only
defend our own lands.

I can't protect you here.
- Okay, it's okay. You don't have to.

You’re about to cross a line.
- Then don't draw one.


- You're dead!

- What are you...?

I'm sorry, I just...
I can't believe you're here.

Is... Is...?

Would you like to explain to me
how you're alive?

- I saw a vision of you.

You jumped off a cliff.

Why in the hell would you try
and kill yourself?

I mean, what about Charlie? What about...?
- I didn't try to kill myself.

I was cliff jumping.


It was fun.

I have never met anyone more prone
to life-threatening idiocy.

Did you... did you tell him?
- No.

He only calls once in a few months.

He said he wants to be alone.

Aw, what is that
God awful wet dog smell?

That's probably me.

Or... it's Jacob.

Jacob who?

Jacob's kind of a werewolf.

Ugh! Bella! Werewolf's are not
good company to keep!

Speak for yourself.

I had to see if you were safe.

I thought you couldn't protect me here.

Guess, I don't care.

Well, I'm not gonna hurt her.

No, you're just a harmless Cullen.

We're talking about
the other bloodsucker...

...who tried to kill Bella
because of you.

- Yeah, Victoria has been around.

I didn't see her.

I didn't see you getting pulled out
of the water either.

I can't see past you
and your pack of mutts!

Don't get me upset.
- Hey, stop!

Things are gonna get very ugly!
- Stop! Stop! Stop!

I will give you a minute.

You're going anywhere,
you're gonna come back, right?

As soon as you put the dog out.

Is he...?

Are there others?

How many Cullens are here
and how long are they staying?


It's just Alice.

And she can stay
as long as she like.

Are the rest coming back?


Not that I know of.

Anything else?

That's it.

Well, if that's all, then you better go
run back to Sam.

I have done it again.

I keep breaking my promise.

We don't have to do this to each other.

Yes, we do.


Stay with me forever.

Swan Residence.

He's not here right now.

He's arranging a funeral.

Who is that?

- Always in the way.

Who was that?
- Bella, step back.

Jacob, who was that?
- Stop.

Bella, it's Edward.

He thinks you are dead.

Rosalie told him,
why I came here.

Why would you...?

Why didn't you let me speak to him?

He didn't ask for you.
- I don't care!

Bella, he's going to the Volturi.

He wants to die too.

He left you, Bella.
He didn't want you anymore, remember?

But I'm not gonna let him
kill himself out of guilt.

What about your Dad?

I'm eighteen,

I'm legally free to go.
And I left a note.

Please, Bella.

Just... stay here.

Not for Charlie.

For me...

I gotta go.

I'm begging you.


Bye, Jacob.


So you made up your mind?

I'm afraid your particular gifts...

...are too valuable
to destroy.

But if you're unhappy
with your lot,

...join us.

We would be delighted
to utilize your skills.

Won't you consider
staying with us?

You know what will happen anyway.

Not without cause.

Such a waste.

I'm guessing you didn't rent this car?

I figured, you wouldn't be
opposed to grand theft auto.

Not today.

What? What are you seeing?
- They refused him.

- He's gonna make a scene.

Show himself to the humans.
- No! When?

He's gonna wait until noon,
when the sun's at it's highest.

Alice, you gotta hurry up.
- There's Volterra.

Why are they all in red?
- San Marcos Day festival.

They're commemorating the expulsion
of the vampires from the city.

It's the perfect setting.

The Volturi will never let him
get far enough to reveal himself.

We have 5 minutes.
- You know, Bella? Breathe.


Bella, you're the only one
he can't see coming.

If I go, he will read my thoughts...

...he'll think I'm lying
and rush into it.

Where do I go?
- He'll be under the clock tower.




You have to move!

Open your eyes, look at me.
I'm alive.

You have to move!


You're here.
- Yeah.

You're alive!


I needed you to see me once.

You had to know that I was alive.
You didn't have to feel guilty or anything.

I can let you go now.

You never had to let it go.

I just couldn't live in a world
where you don't exist.

But you said...
- I lied.

I had to lie
and you believe me so easily.

Because it doesn't make sense
for you to love me.

I'm nothing... human.

Bella, you're everything to me.


I won't be needing your services
after all, gentlemen.

Aro wants to speak with you again.

No rules were broken.

Nevertheless, we should take this
conversation... a more appropriate venue.


Bella, why don't you go enjoy
the rest of the festival?

The girl comes with us.
- No. You can go to hell.

Come on, guys.
It's a festival.

We wouldn't want to make a scene.

We wouldn’t.



Aro send me to see
what's taking so long.

Just do as she says.

Go ahead.

Are you scared?

Are you?


Good afternoon.

Is she human?
- Yes.

Does she know?
- Yes.

Then why would...

She wants to be...

And so she will be.
- Or dessert!

Sister, sent you out to get one
and you bring back two.

And a half.

Such a clever girl.

What a happy surprise!

Bella is alive after all.

Isn't that wonderful?

I love a happy ending.

They are so rare.

"La Tua Cantante. "
'Your Singer'

Your blood appeals to you
so much... makes me thirsty.

How can you stand
to be so close to her?

It's not without difficulty.
- Yes, I can see that.

Aro can read every thought
I ever had.

With one touch.

And now you know everything.

So, get on with it.

You're quite soul reader yourself, Edward.

Though... can't read Bella's thoughts.


I would love to see if... are an exception
to my gifts, as well.

Would you do me the honor?


I see nothing.

I wonder if...

Let's see if she is immune
to all our powers.

Shall we, Jane?

- Pain.


Stop, please!


Just stop hurting him, please!



Go ahead, my dear.

This may hurt just a little.


She confounds us all.

So, what we do with you now?

You already know
what you're going to do, Aro.

She knows too much,
she's a liability.

That's true.


Please! No, no!

Kill me... kill me.

Not him.

How extraordinary.

You would give up your life...

...for someone like us.

A vampire.

A soulless monster.

Just get away from him!

You don't know a thing...

...about his soul.

Maybe it's one or the other.

This is a sadness.

If only it be your intention
to give her immortality.


Bella will be one of us.

I've seen it.

I'll change her myself.


To see, what you have seen.

Before it is happened.

Your gifts...

...will make for an intriguing...



Go now.

Make your preparations.

Let's be done with this.

Heidi will arrive, any moment.

Thank you...

...for the visit.
- We'll return the favØr.

I would advise...

...that you follow through on your promise soon.
We do not offer second chances.

Goodbye... young friends.

Nice fishing, Heidi.

Yes, they do look rather juicy.

Save some for me.

This way, please.
Stay together.

You're here.

You can sleep.

I'll still be here
when you wake up.

Bella, the only reason
that I left...

...was because I thought
I was protecting you.

I needed you to have a chance... a normal, happy life.

It was so easy for you to leave.

Leaving you was the hardest thing
I've done in a 100 years.

I swear...

I will never fail you again.

I'm so sorry.

Charlie's coming.
- Hey!

You okay?


Dad, you don't have to worry.

Yeah, last time you said that
you took off.

I didn't see you for three days.

I'm really sorry, Dad.

Bella, do not ever do that
to me again.


And you're grounded...

...for the rest of your life.


I'm not technically breaking
any of his rules.

He did say, I couldn't take a step
inside through the door.

I came in through the window.

He's not going to forgive me easily.

I know.

Can you?

I hope you can because...

I honestly don't know
how to live without you.

Come here.

Once Alice changes me, can't get rid of me.

She won't need to change you.

There are always ways to keep
the Volturi in the dark.



You all know what I want.

And I know,
how much I'm asking for.

The only thing I can think of...
for... to be fair is to just vote.

You don't know what you just...
- Just... shut up!


I already consider you my sister.

- Thank you.

I vote, yes.

It would be nice to not wanna
kill you all the time.

I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry, both of you,
for the way I've acted.

And I'm really grateful...

...that you were brave enough
to go and save my brother.

But this isn't a life
I would have chosen for myself.

And I wish that there had been
someone to vote no for me.

So... no.

I vote hell yeah!

We can pick a fight with
these Volturi's some other way.

I already consider you,
a part of the family.


Why are you doing this to me?

You know what this means.
- You've chosen not to live without her,

...which leaves me no choice.

I won't lose my son.

I'll wait until after graduation... make it easier on Charlie.

I want you to be the one
to do it.

He wants to talk to me.

See, you're still alive for now.

He thinks, it's me keeping you away.

You stay the hell out of my head.


...I know you have
something to say to me.

But I wanna say something to you first.
If that's alright?

Thank you.

Thank you for keeping
Bella alive when...

...I didn’t.

No, you didn't.

And it wasn't for your benefit,
trust me.

I'm still grateful.

But I'm here now.

And I'm not gonna leave her side
till she orders me away.

We'll see.

Hey, my turn to talk.

I'm here to remind you about
a key point in the Treaty.

I haven't forgotten.

What key point?

If any of them bites a human,
the truce is over.

But if I choose it,
it has nothing to do with you.

No... No, I won't let you.

You're not gonna be
one of them, Bella.

It's not up to you.

You know what we'll do to you.

I won't have choice.
- Bella, please come.


Is he gonna hurt me?
Read his mind.


I love you.

So, please...

DØn't make me choose.

Because it'll be him.

It's always been him.


Goodbye, Jacob.
- No, you don't speak for her!

Bella, get out of here.



You can't hurt each other
without hurting me.


He's right.

You shouldn't become one of us.

I can't do this alone.

Then please just wait.

Just give me... five years.

It's too long.

Then, three?

You're so stubborn.

What are you waiting for?

I have one condition...

...if you want me
to do it myself.

What's the condition?

And then, forever.

That's what I'm asking.

Marry me, Bella.

broken embraces

What's your name?

Harry Caine.

I used to be called Mateo.
and I was a film director.

I was always tempted by the idea
of being someone else,

as well as myself.

Living one life
wasn't enough for me.

So I invented a pseudonym:

Harry Caine,

an adventurer who, as fate
would have it, became a writer.

I made him sign all
the stories and scripts I wrote.

For years,
Mateo Blanco and Harry Caine

shared the same body.


But there came a time when,

suddenly, I could only
be Harry Caine.

I became my alter-ego.

a self made writer
created by himself.

There was just one unexpected detail.

Harry Caine
would be a blind writer.

Ernesto Martel is dead!


Ernesto Martel.
I know his granddaughter.

So he's dead...

Yes. Did you know him?

What interests you?


the economy, culture...?

I'm interested in you.

What are you like?

Can you describe yourself?

What do you want to know?

Your measurements, for example.

36 - 26 - 36.

What color are your eyes?


With blue highlights in the summer.

Your hair?

How are you dressed?

I'm blonde,

with long, straight hair.

I'm wearing a purple tank top,

tight jeans...


Yes, tight.

And heels.

High heels?

Very high.

Let's see...

Blonde hair,


Let's see your eyes...

Green eyes

with blue highlights in the summer.

and your skin...

Such beautiful skin.



May I use the washroom?

At the end of the hallway.

Sorry, I thought you were alone.

Can I come in or
 are you having another round?

No, no, come in please. 
We've finished.

She helped me cross the street,
so I invited her in to read me the paper.

This place is in shambles.

- What are you looking for?
- My shirt.


Your shirt.

Something else?

your socks?

Well Harry, I'll be off.

- Thanks for your help.
- You're welcome.

- You're standing on my foot.
- I'm sorry!

It was a pleasure.


- Thank you.
- It's nothing.

Well, I have to go.

I hope we meet again.

You can't just bring home the first person
who helps you cross the street!

Something might happen to you.

Everything has already 
happened to me

All I can do now is enjoy life.

Diego told me that you finished 
the script yesterday.

Almost, I want to add a final epilogue.

I was supposed to deliver it to the 
producer and director today.

You'll have it tomorrow,
don't worry.

Ernesto Martel is dead.

He was very ill.

It's been a long time
since we last spoke of him.

Yes, that's true.

You look awful.

Because I was running.

It's Monday

You don't have to run for my sake, Diego
We're in no rush.

I am.
I promised the script.

Don't worry you'll have it tonight

Diego, we're changing the ending.

Right away?

I've been thinking about the next script.

Some fantasy or horror for teens.

That's what sells best.

I don't know if I can.

I'd thought about,

developing a story based 
on Arthur Miller's son.

- The writer who married Marilyn?
- Yes.

It was in Vanity Fair.
I read it in the paper.

After Marilyn,
he married the photographer Inge Morath

and they had a child.

He was born with Down's syndrome
and Miller hid him away.

He didn't even mention him 
in his memoirs.

and he never wanted to see him.

Despite his wife's pleas,
he would never see the child. 

That's horrible!

One day,
they met by chance.

Miller gave a lecture in defense
of a mental retard,

who'd been sentenced to death
after making a forced confession.

His son with Down's syndrome
was in the audience.

After the speech,

the son went up to the podium
and embraced his father.

Miller didn't know how to 
get free of that man,

until the stranger let go
and said:

"I am your son Daniel

"and I'm very proud of you, dad."

I don't think we can write
about Arthur Miller

Without asking the family
for permission.

We can change the names.

It isn't about the
pettiness of the father.

but the strength of the son,
who survives without any grudge

towards the parent who ignored
him his whole life.

The subject is interesting.

But years ago

when you got back to
writing scripts

You told me you would never write
remakes, sequels, or biopics.

I remember perfectly, because 
I was surprised about biopics.

It isn't a biopic,

it's about surpassing oneself
and inate goodness.

Yes, I'll get it.

I brought yogurt

but he's out of cleaning
products and juice too

and pick up his dry cleaning.

Hey guys, I'm going.

- Talk to you later, Henry
- OK, Judit, OK.

- How's it going?
- Good. You?

Good. Do you have the set?

Freshly downloaded from eMule!


Do you want a hit of Crystal?

Not tonight.  I need to sleep
once in awhile.

Cover me.

Try to be discreet.

There's no one around!

Buy me a drink?

Order what you want.

You want something?

Browse with the
up arrow or down arrow.



Settings... Applications...

Explorer... Properties

Exit... Explorer...

Death of businessman
Ernesto Martel.

Obituary: Ernesto Martel,

the Chilean-born financier
died yesterday

at his residence in Madrid.

Living in Spain since childhood, Martel was
one of the leading businessmen of the 90s

Ermar Capital, his empire 
created in the 80's,

financed major infrastructure 
projects in latin america.

Maried twice,
with two children,

his reputation was tainted
in recent years

by his involvment in the 
Apresto scandal

Accused of fraud and tax evasion
He was sentenced to
three years in prison.

I just spoke with
the Transport Minister

The project is under way.

We will build the subway in Caracas.

For sure, there is a lot of money.

For at least five years.

I'm looking for a qualified company
and thought of you.

Of course.
Everything will go through me.

The president told me himself.

I'll call you later, OK?

Yes Mr. Martel?


Can you come into my office?

I want to dictate.

Yes sir, right away.

It's for the Industry Minister.

"Dear Antonio, I am pleased..."

Sorry, I'm sorry.

Are you feeling alright?

"I am pleased to announce that soon,

"I'll be meeting with a 
Venezuelan delegation..."


Tell me what's wrong.

I'm sure I can help.

My father is very i'll

He's being discharged this afternoon
and I want to be there.

Of course.
What's wrong with him?

Stomach cancer,
and it's metastasized

Oh, I'm sorry.

Where's Papa?

He's waiting inside.

I can't believe they left you here,

on the street, like dogs.

Wasn't the doctor 
operating this week?

He was supposed to.

This morning he told us
they were discharging him.

I asked what that meant.

He said: "It's simple,
it's July, I'm going on vacation."


I asked: "Are you putting us 
on the street?"

"No, ma'am.

"I'm sending him home."

"But what can I do with him 
at home?"

"That's your problem.
I'm going on vacation."

"He's dying."

"So, he can die
peacefully at home.'

They can't torture him for 20 days
with tests and then do this.


Have you forgotten about me?

What are you saying, dad!

No one could forget you.


Take it easy.

Isn't it nice to get out?

I'll put the bags in.

You'll be comfortable here.

I'll bring your pills.

Try to rest.

I'm leaving now.
I've a lot to do.

Call me if there's anything.

I'll come by in the morning.

Bye, mom.

Take care.

Madame Mylène? Hi it's Séverine.

Severine! It's been so long.
How nice to hear from you.

- I need some money.
- When?

Now. I'm free on the week-end.
During the week I'm busy.

I'll see what I can do.

Can I call you tonight?

Of course. 
I'll be waiting.


Who's this?

I'm calling on behalf of
Madame Mylène.

You're mistaken.
There's no Séverine here.

I must have the wrong number.
Forgive me.

Your rails, ma'am.

Hi, has he called you?


The client, who else?

How dare you give him my number!

I couldn't refuse.

That's not how it works!
Are you crazy?

He knows all about you.

I didn't tell him
he found out by himself.

He knows that you
tried your hand at acting,

and at times you've 
"performed" for me.

Months ago he made me promise

that if you contacted me again
I'd call him.

I couldn't refuse,
he's my best client.

Oh, Magdalena!

Mom, how's dad?


We had a terrible night.

He's been vomiting blood
and everything.

it's like he'd burst inside.
I don't know what to do.

I'm coming.

Mr. Martel? It's Lena.

I'm sorry to bother you.

You never bother me.

I'm calling because
my father is dying.

He has to be hospitalized,

but i don't know where.

They sent him home yesterday
and we don't know what to do.

Don't worry.

We'll take him to a private clinic.

I'll take care of it.

Don't worry, Dr. Blasco is
the best digestive surgeon in Europe.


How's the patient?

He arrived in very poor condition.
I think you know that.

Can you save him?

I am Ernesto Martel.

We'll try our very best.

- But right now we can't operate.
- And tomorrow?

We're feeding him intravenously

and he'll need a transfusion 
to survive.

Do the impossible to save him.

Of course.
That's my duty.

I'll keep you informed on the progress

Can I stay?

Of course, you can stay with him
as long as you wish.

I can't thank you enough.

I'm at your disposal ma'am.

Do you want me to stay with you?

No, go on, love,
you've done enough.

Should I bring you some food?

No, don't bother
I'll get something later.

I'll call you.

Who's there?

It's Ray X.

Ray X?
Nobody's called that.

It's a nickname

I used to do lots of ecstasy.

What do you want?

I want to write a script with you
and direct it myself.

You're a director?

I made a very good documentary
14 years ago.

This would be my first fiction.

Call my agent Judit Garcìa,
and talk to her

She can make an appointment for you

I'm going for a shower.

You got me out of the bathroom.

You gonna stay there all day?

You didn't give me 
Judit Garcìa's number

Look it up.
She's a well-known production manager.

I'm going.

Yes, go on.

A young director rang me.
Ray X.

He wants to write a script with you.

- You know about it? Yes
- He wants to see you this afternoon.

Or tomorrow.

I asked for an advance,
and he agreed.

but I can't go with you,
I'm busy with the Americans.

OK, I'll see him
and tell you about it.

I hope you like him,
he seems to be well-heeled.

Have you seen him?

No from his voice,
and from the check he's going to sign.

I'll send Diego so you're not alone.


Alicante or Barcelone?

- I'm here to see Harry.
- Yes, he's in his office.

Hi, I'm Ray X.

How are you?

Have a seat.

I'm listening

I really like your work.

I've seen all of it.

Thank you very much.

Let's get to the point.

What kind of story
do you want to write?

I'd like to write a story about

a son's revenge on his
father's memory.

Why does the son want revenge?

The father destroyed him
and ruined his life.


The father is a violent man,
a homophobe.

unscrupulous and very powerful.

But the son is a sensitive boy,

but he's got lots of complexes
and he's weak.

He always tries to please his father.

He's a homosexual but
he got married twice, like his father.

And he separated,
like he did.

He's got a son, who hates him
as much as he hated his father.

When the father dies.

the son can finally rebuild his life.

That's his salvation, his revenge.

and the story I want to tell.

I fear I'm not the writer
you're looking for.

You are!

More than you know.

I'll pay whatever you ask.

It's too personal.

Make it your own.

Thank's, but no.
Now, if you don't mind... Diego!

I'll leave you my number.

If you change your mind.

- Come along!
- Leave me alone!

I'm sure we'll see each other again.

In my case,
that would be a miracle.

- Please, come with me
- I'm coming!

Son of a bitch!

- He was talking about himself, right?
- I guess.

Look in the top drawer.

Look through the photos
of the '94 shoot.

He may be in one of them.

Keep looking.

Here he is.

Describe the photo.

He's with you on the shoot.

He's got long, straight hair
and he's holding a camera.

I knew it.

Who is he?

Ernesto Martel's son.

What can he want now?

Put the photos away and
close the drawer.

Ernesto, it's me.

We have to talk about our son.

Not now, Rosanna

I caught him trying on my dresses.

It's your fault.  You made him
effeminate to humiliate me.

I'm sending him to you.
After all, you're his father.

If I haven't been a good father
for 19 years, I doubt I'll learn now.

I have to go.

And tell him if he wants to talk to me
he can call me himself.

- Don't be so hard on them.
- Theyr'e blackmailers!

- Help me with my necklace
- Of course.

Why no invite your son here
for a few days?

That's what his mother just said.

But it's best not
to involve you with them.

He'd keep me company.

-Does he like the cinema or theatre?
- Very much I think.

His mother says
he's a bit of a fairy.

If I invite him
I'd like you to tell me if it's true.

and if it can be fixed.

- How will I know?
- You don't have to screw him.

Oh thanks alot.

But you pretty girls
know those things.

Call him, but I won't do that.

What I don't like is 
that you're living with a man.

What'll your children think?

That their father is homosexual.

He's got good taste
and that hes lucky.

If they love me, they'll accept it.

You should've told me
before we got married.

If you'd stopped thinking about
my father's fortune you'd have realized.

What do you mean?

I'm hangin up. Pain in the ass!

I've got another call.

- I hope it's not your other ex-wife?
- I hope not.

Never get married, Mario.

I'm not planning to right now.

It's Judit Garcìa.

Hi, did you get the money?

I don't want it.

I'm sending it back.

Won't you call me Ray?
That's my artistic name.


What are you trying to do?

Erase my father's name.

What's that got to do with Harry?

I've wanted to see him for ages.

And it's true I want to make a film
and have him write the script.

I've got the male lead.

You're not a director.

If you saw my documentary
you'd change your mind.

Ernesto, forget about us.

Don't be afraid of me.
I'm not my father.

Stay away from Harry.

Or else I'll report you for harassment!

I really don't want to 
scout for locations.

But the Americans are paying 
me a fortune and we need it.

Go on,
don't worry about me.

Give me Tonino Guerra's book.

I'm worried about Harry too.

Look after him while I'm away

I'm busy,
I can't spend all day with him.

It's only 2 weeks.

Harry's fine on his own.

It's because of Ernesto Junior.

If he shows up again or calls

let me know right away.

Why are you so worried?

He's crazy.
I don't trust him.

Why not?

- It's a long story.
- Summarize.

This isn't the time.

For you, it never is!

If you really mind looking after Harry,
i'm staying in Madrid.

Or hire someone else.

I don't mind keeping him company,
but I'm sick of all the secrets.

When's your mother back?

I'm not sure,
in ten days, I think.

What are you looking at?

A poster that says
"Give blood".

- You want to give yours?
- No, no.

I just like the sound of it.

It would be a great film title.

It sounds good

Like a vampire film.

That's true.

Imagine that behind the ad
there's a group of vampires

who work in various donor clinics
they keep the donated blood

and use it themselves.

Your mother would like that story.
We'll write it.

The vampires live like the Chinese,

as part of Spanish society
but without attracting attention.

and like the Chinese they
also control several industries.

Like sunglasses, for example.

And late night bars, discos,
after hours clubs.

They don't need drugs to stay awake
so they're the best night workers.

And the sun cream business.

They're sensitive to climate change
and to holes in the ozone.

Their sun creams
are the best on the market.

That's good.

It must be a thick cream
like armor,

to protect them all day

That's how the story begins.

A very beautiful girl,
totally naked.

covering her body
with a really thick cream

before going to work in a donor clinic.

Her body has a beautiful,
velvety pallor.

Great beginning.

We need a love story.

A mixed love story

between the young vampire girl
and a normal boy.

She works in one of those
blood donor clinics

where they use the blood themselves.

He goes there to give blood.

They instantly like each other.

After she puts the needle in his vein,
she get really aroused.

They start dating,
but she doesn't want him to become a vampire

Those vampires don't proselytize.
They don't bite people.

unless it's really necessary.

But they like sex right?


That'll be one of the problems
because we need some tension.

They relaly desire each other

but when it comes to screwing,
she holds back.


In case she loses control and bites
his jugular in the heat of passion

She lets him do everything, in front
behind, whatever

Except kiss her on the mouth.

And her breasts?

That's a high risk area.

When he kisses her breasts,

She hides her face with the pillow
and she rips it apart with her teeth.

And when she sucks on him?

No blowjobs!
She'd tear it off right away

Well, a man can do without kisses,

but it's tough when
they won't suck your dick!

He's so in love
he accepts it.

When they know each other better,
she'll wear a muzzle

to protect both of them.

When she gets aroused,
she has a kind of dental erection,

and her mouth grows out
like shes a wolf.

I really like your story.

You will sign this one.

I'll be your sparring partner,
like you've always been for me.

The music you play 
is fucking great!

And I really like you.
Did Alex tell you?

I want us to be great friends

and you have to tell me everything.

Let me work.

You have to tell me everything.

I need a drink.

Sorry, he's high on GHB.

I don't like being touched up.

You want some MDMA?

- Just a bit!
- OK.

I'm working tomorrow.

We're working on a great vampire script.

Want some GHB?

I've had some MDMA.

I think your friend likes me.

Are you ok, Diego?

What is it?

What happened?

- Is that your glass?
- Coke and GHB.

Why did you put it next to his glass!

Take it easy.

Get some ice!
Call an ambulance!

No, I'm a friend of his.
Diego sick.

We're taking him to Emergency

What happened?
Can I speak to him?

Where are you taking him?

- Where are you going?
- Quiròn hospital.

Come on, get in!

He's coming.

That's his jacket.

Do you need help?

I have to go.

You want the hospital?

- Yes, I do.
- I'll go with you.

I'll hold on to you.

- You want Reception?
- Yes.

How do you feel?

I don't know... shocked.

Did you speak to my mother?

- Did you tell her about the coma?
- No! Are you crazy?

Anyway, it was only six hours.

If you ever tell her,
say you fainted.

Or whatever.

I told her you ate something
that disagreed with you.

Did she believe you?

I don't know.

She wanted to rush back
but I persuaded her not to.

Are you sleeping?

No I'm not sleepy.

- You want to talk?
- No.

You want me to talk?

I don't know.
If you want to.

I mean to distract you.

Before I went into films.

I was very good at telling stories

Then will you tell me why my mother
is so afraid of Ernesto Junior?

Is she?

She made me promise
I'd keep an eye out.

In case he reappeared.

She didn't say why?

She never explains anything.

It's a long story.

That's what she says

How do you know him?

It was 14 years ago,

In an office we'd rented
to prepare my latest film.

After writing and directing
five dramas,

I'd finally written a comedy,

or so I thought.

I wanted to change genres
and take a risk.

And I certainly did.

Take a risk, I mean.


There's a girl here.
She doesnt have an appointment.

What's she like?

Too pretty to be funny.

She's the financier Ernesto Martel's

She's here with his son.

Is she an actress?

If she's been with that man
for two years she must be.

But come out and say hello,
just to be polite.

You have to be nice to important men.
You never know.





I'm Ernesto Martel... Junior.

I apologize for turning up like this.

I heard you were holding auditions for
your next film.

- Yes
- I'd love to audition.

I can come another day.

Now that you're here,
we'll read something.

Stay here.

The reading didn't work out.

We were both too nervous.

The first meeting
only served to show me

that the mere presence
of that woman disturbed me.

Where were you this morning?

Didn't Ernesto tell you?

I didn't ask him.

We went to see a film director.

to do an audition.

An audition? Why?

I want to work.

Weren't you going
to redecorate the house?

You have to change the furniture,
carpets, lamps...

I don't know how to do that.

Hire a decorator.

Even if I do, 
you'll have to guide him.

I want to be an actress.

I always have.

You tried before...

and look how you ended up.

That was a low blow.

I'm sorry, my love,
forgive me.

I'm going upstairs.

Lena, please.

Don't get angry, darling,
I beg you.

In any case, don't worry.
I was no good.

I was too nervous.

Its Mr. Mateo Blanco.


He says it's important.

It was the director.

The audition wasn't enough,
he wants to see me again.

What are you going to do?

Go and see him, no?

I need to do something.
I've always wanted to be an actress.

And what about me?

Hi this is Magdalena Rivero.

I want to cancel my massage tomorrow.

I'll call you another time.
Thank you.

They still haven't given me the part.

They will.

If they do, it wont change a thing.

except that I'll be working too,
like you.

And at night we'll tell each other
what we've done.

Why don't we get married?

I'm asking you to marry me.

Haven't you got married
and divorced enough times?

With you, it would be the first time.

We've been living together for two years.

We're fine like this.

Don't you think?

It seems you don't

Ernesto Martel offered to
produce the film.

You mother didn't want that.

We were waiting for a grant from
the Minstry...

- You want help?
- No, I'll show you.

...and a television pre-sale

But that would take months.

And I was in a real hurry
to start shooting.

Just like Audrey!
Spot on, faggot!

Totally Audrey!


Move closer to the mirror.

Light up your face.

Now look at me in profile.

with an exaggerated smile,
like the model.

Like that one?

Yes.  Come on.

Open your eyes more
and close your mouth a bit.

Come on. Now.

Very good.  Again.

Open your mouth a little more.



- Art!
- Totally!

Now i'd like to try something
much more daring.

A platinum blonde wig.
Something very pop.

I've got one.

I've got a Goldie Hawn type,
 with much more volume.

That'll look fabulous.

- But she mustn't look like a poodle.
- No?

If she isn't a poodle
she isn't Goldie.

I told you he wouldn't like Goldie, faggot!

He wears it when he gets dressed.

- So, platinum blonde.
- Yes.

I'll change your make up.

Get out of the way!

Look, the wig's false,
it's really bad.

It's Kanecalon fiber,
but it looks fabulous.

OK, let's have a look.

You'll flip out.

Put these on.

Judit, can you move to your left?

Are you tired?

Don't smile,
The wig is false enough.

That's it.

From the start,
Judit didn't like Lena.

But I like her more every day.

And Ernesto Junior liked me.

and I intended to use that.

His father had asked him to make a 
documentary about the shoot.

As for Ernesto Sr.

I'd never met a man
so obsessed by a woman.

He was producing the film
in a desperate attempt not to lose Lena.

This is shit!
It's incomprehensible!

In the midst of that 
emotional panorama,

we started shooting.

Now think of all the times
you've made gazpacho for Iván.

How he enjoyed it.

And that breaks your heart.

We'll do the first time you come 
home after a photo session.

As soon as you open the door,
you look over at the answering machine.

If it's flashing, it may be Ivan.

"If it isn't flashing,
it'll be another day of despair

because you've been
looking for him for two days.

All right. OK, OK.

Listen, did you like the
bit with the tomatoes?

Yes a lot.

It moved me.

Me too,
It really moved me.

It's amazing that you could
be moved by tomatoes.

It wasn't the tomatoes

it was the nice things
you were saying to me."

They like each other?

Do you think they like each other?


I don't know anything.

I only look at their lips.


What do you think?


Very good. Print it.

- Are you going to do anything?
- No, you can go.

I don't mind staying.

You should go.
I'm going to check some wigs.

Wigs? I love that!

Enough! You've filmed hours of wigs.
This is more of the same.

And Lena?

After we've tried the new wigs
she wants a massage.

She's got a contraction.

I haven't got any contractions.

Couldn't I film it?

Ernesto, please,
don't be such a pain. Go home!



I'm going to speak to Lena.
I don't want to be interrupted.

Don't worry, I'll see to it.

I'll be your watchdog.

Is his son out there?

No, I sent him home.
Edurne's keeping watch.

Mateo, this is crazy.

What are you doing?


Waiting for you.

I didn't think filmmaking was 
such hard work.

Yes.  It doesn't stop.

It's very absorbing.

Aren't you tired?

Chocolate gives me energy.

I love bitter orange with chocolate.

I meant the shoot, not the chocolate.

Oh, very.
At the end of the week, I'm exhausted.

But I'm happy.

I thought we could take a break.

A weekend, just you and I.

in the house on Ibiza.

We rehearse on weekends.

Don't you rehearse during the shoot?

Do you spend 
the whole day rehearsing?

That's how films are made!

What about our life?
You can't just set it aside for months.

The film sets the rules.

No, I set them.
I'm the producer.

- Is there a problem?
- Yes.

It's completely impersonal.

I asked for a graphic set
but this is totally dead!

-Shall I speak to Antxon?

No, I'll do it.

What's wrong with you?

You look awful.

Its Diego.

He could hardly breathe all night.
Neither of us got any sleep.

You still don't know what it is?

Some doctors say it's asthma,
others that he's allergic.

but we don't know to what.

They're still investigating,

but we're desperate.

Take all the time that you need.

Right now,
your son is what matters.

Another thing,

- I was talking to the producer.
- And?

He's complaining that Lena's
too absorbed by the shooting.

How does he think films are made?

Ernesto is a business man,
not an artist.

No one asked him
to become a producer!

It's too late to argue about that.

He's taking her to Ibiza this weekend.
So you cannot rehearse.

Son of a bitch.

Get rid of the table,
lamps and chairs!

I wanted a graphic set
but it should be alive.

God I look terrible!

You are scared when I touch you

but not when you see me dead?

I didn't think you were dead.

I thought you were sleeping.

I usually snore.

If I'd thought you were dead
I wouldn't have got made up for you.

Any man of my age could have a heart attack
after screwing six times.

You're not a man of your age.

I wouldn't mind dying

after fucking you for days,
weeks, months,

years, centuries.

I'm crazy about you,

you drive me crazy.

I guess you know that.

I think I do.

Look at what I found on the sidewalk.
They fell off your terrace.

They were gifts from Ivan,
I threw them out.

You can't do that, Miss Pina.

You could kill someone.

In Naples, on New Year's Eve,
they even throw out furniture.

My grandpa was Neapolitan
and it's in my blood.

But this isn't Naples
and today isn't New Year's Eve.

I was nervous, throwing them out
relaxes me. You keep them.

They'll come in handy.

"Love... '

You say "love", I say "sex"!


- Shall we print it?
- Like hell!

I'll fix your make up after, OK?

You're not on form today.

I know.

What's wrong?

I'll tell you later.

- Take a sandwich break.
- 30 minutes?

We'll take a 30 minute sandwich break!

Let's clear this a bit and go outside.

No lips.

I've had a horrible weekend.

But we didn't rehearse
so that you could rest.


I had that son of a bitch
on top of me for 48 hours.

He didn't let up for a second.
The bastard.

I'm living on tranquilizers

No lips.

No, no.
I'll get over it and I'll do it.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

You have to be witty
and light.

Of course.


You don't know what it's like
having that monster on top of you

for 48 hours.

It makes me sick.

It's best
if you don't think about it.

It's best if you and I
never talk about Ernesto.

It's best not to

open that can of worms.

What do you do with your notebooks?

I fill them.

And then?

I burn them.

I'd rather the notebooks slept here.


Leave them here,
you'll get them back tomorrow.

When you finish, 
I'll keep them.

Very well.
Whatever you say.

- What time tomorrow?
- I'll call you when the material is ready.

I presume you are aware of the total
confidentiality of your work.

Of course.

My father was asking why
I don't go with you to yoga.

Tell him that I'm grown up, and free,
and that I've forbidden you to follow me.

I can't tell him that.

Try it.
It would do you good.

I can't.

Do what you like,
but don't come with me.

You're such a pain!

What are you doing?


Turn that off!

Didn't Mateo
forbid you to tape us off the shoot?

My father told me to ignore that,
he wants to see everything.

Neither of you has any scruples!

Fucking leave me alone!

Remember I'm taping you.

Stop, I said.


I told you to stop!
Give me the fucking camera!

You're crazy!

- Give it to me!
- Let go! My camera!

Focus on me.

Listen carefully.

Yes, I'm talking to you.

I've just been with the man I love.

and I'm happier than I've ever been

beacuse that man loves me too,
a lot.

Don't worry,
I'll leave you in peace very soon.

You needn't spy on us anymore.

There's nothing to hide now.

I don't know if you got back a
little late or early.

It was raining, we couldn't shoot.

Where are you going?

I am leaving you.

Shouldn't we talk first?

I've said all I had to say to you.

Lena, please!


Listen to me.

Let go.

Turn over, my love.
I'll help you.

Let me do it.

Relax, I'll help you.

You could have broken something.

I'll take off your shoes.

You'll be more comfortable.

I'll see to everything.
Come on!

Help me.

Sit down, but be careful.

My darling.

That's it.

I'll take you to the hospital.

My wife fell down the stairs.
Be careful.

Watch her head.

Easy does it.

Be careful with my legs.

Take her to trauma.

- Can I used the phone?
- Not in here, in the Doctor's office.

It's urgent.

We'll take you there right away.

What's wrong? 
Aren't you coming?

No, not tonight.

Has something happened?

Something came up unexpectedly.

but don't worry,
everything's fine.

Tomorrow is an evening shoot.
Will I see you before?

No, I can't make it.

I've got a lot to do.
I'll see you at the studio.

You sound odd.

There's really nothing wrong?

I'll see you tomorrow.

There they are.
Ask no questions.

- How are you ma'am?
- Fine.

Can I help you?

No, I'm all right,
thank you.

It was nothing.

Martìn, go on ahead and
open the door.

Thank you for your discretion.

Can you take off your glasses, please?

What can i do...

so that you'll forgive me?

Take me to the studio.

You shouldn't move.

If you don't, I'll drag
myself there if I have to.

What'll you say?

How will you explain the
cast and the bruises?

It depends on you.

I'll do what you want
if you promise to stay with me.

I'll stay with you.

if you let Mateo finish the film
however he wishes.

He'll interrogate you,
he isn't stupid.

I'll say I tripped.

How can you work
if you can't walk?

He'll decide that.

but I want to be sure
you'll respect his decision.

no matter what it costs
or the time it takes.

Is that clear?

I live there.

That's everything.

Ernesto will back
whatever you decide.

Decide what?

I can't go from a shot of you
walking normally to one in a cast.

When can you take it off?

In 3 weeks.

May I speak to Lena alone?

Tell me the truth.

People don't fall down stairs.

That only happens in films.

Keep your voice down.

We have to finish shooting as soon as we can.
Until then, I can't leave Ernesto.

He's a psychopath.

What more proof do you need?

I can't leave.

I promised to stay with him
if he lets you finish the film

under your conditions.

There must be a better solution.

Whatis it?

The only solution is that I
stay with him until it's finished.

What have you promised exactly?

To live under the same roof

in separate bedrooms.

He's got no rights.

Do you think he'll accept that?

I don't know!

But the sooner we finish the better.

We mustn't stop now.

We just have one scene on the stairs.

We'd have to repeat the ending.

Retake 23. One, first.

So you're Ivan's ex-wife?

the one who's been
in a mental hospital for 20 years.

Yes, but I'm not
in a mental hospital now.

I'm here with you.

On top of the stairs.

From the note, it seems
You're anxious to see him.

Yes, but you go first.

You're the one in a hurry.

I've been waiting 20 years.

Go on.

As I was saying,

after I split up with my husband
I went out on the street.

and there was a guy eyeing me,
good looking,

his ass...
 his feet...

I brought him home
and screwed him several times.

I'm very interested in sex
as a social matter.

- How was it?
- In bed?

Divine! A virtuoso!
I've never seen anything like it.


This is the good take.

His big toe!

Every morning, Lena arrived
at the shoot exhausted.

By sheer repetition,

there was always a take
in which she managed to do it well.

Living with Martel
had become hell.

Lena didn't say anything
but it was obvious.

When shooting finished
I begged her to leave him.

but she was scared for the film.

She didn't want to leave him until
I'd chosen all the good takes.

It's Magdalena.

Is something wrong?

No, I'm down below.
I've got no money for the taxi.

I'm coming down.

I'll be right back.

She's in the washroom.

What's happened?

We had a terrible fight.

He tore off my clothes
and threw me out on the street.

Give the taxi driver a tip.

He lent me his jacket, otherwise...

Son of a bitch!

We'll report him
to the police right now.

Take me far away from here, please.

Yes, of course.
Whatever you want.

Give me the camera!

What are you writing?

"The secret of Golfo Beach."

When I took the photo
I didn't see the couple kissing.

And what's the secret?

I don't know.

I have to write it to find out.

We're that couple.

What is it?

It looks like a leg.

It's an arm.

and two other legs.

Two people, just like when they died.

A man and a woman.

They died together.

What is it?

I don't know


what happened?

Alex, it's too much.

Before we knew it,
a month had passed.

Sooner or later,
we'd have to go back.

But we kept putting it off.

I was only worried
about your mother and you.

I hadn't even said goodbye to you,

and you had all those allergies
when we left.



I was wondering when he'd turn up.

But they can't open the film
so soon, can they?

It's a trick so that we'll go back.

All the ad needed
was the word "WANTED".

What'll we do?

Fuck him!



What does it say?

That the only intelligent thing we did
was not attend the premiere.



It's me.

I need to talk to you.

Call me, please.

I'll give you the number:

84 51 32 

28 first.

Sorry: 28 84 51 32.

Ask for Harry Caine.
I'm registered under that name.

Are you there?

I'll be expecting your call.

Mom didn't call you back?


She was angry, I guess.

Even so, she should've told you
what was happening.

But she didn't
and we've never talked about it.

Weren't you curious?

I was dying of curiosity!

For two days I kept calling
your mother and the editor,

but neither one answered.

So I decided to go back to Madrid

and see with my own eyes
what was happening.

It's the first time we've been apart.

I'll be back on the weekend.

But if you're worried
come with me.

No, I'm better here.

Madrid scares me.

Magdalena's death didn't surprise us
locked in an embrace,

as we'd dreamed,

but sitting in separate seats.

It even surprised me
by leaving me alive.


Say something.

Mateo is dead Judit.

Don't say that.

We address him by his name
but he refuses to answer.

He insists that Mateo is dead.

His work revolves around images.

I guess that for him,
living in the dark

is death.

Is there any chance that he'll see?


He has what we call
cortical blindness and it's irreversible.

That's very good.

There are some steps to the right.

But not here.

Move forward a bit more.

I'll guide you to the edge.

Come on.

That's it.

We're almost there.

Now there are a few steps
down to the car.

We'll take them carefully,
they're very high.

They're 10 inches,
I measured them earlier.

Wait, I'll put down your bag.

Come on.

Let's go.

The first step is the hardest,
but I'm holding on to you.

Yes, slide your feet along.

That's it, let's go.


Very good.

Now, the second one.
That's right.

A little more.

That's it, no more steps

Did you go to see Lena's mother
in the village?

What did she say?

She was very grateful to Ernesto
for taking care of everything.

- Is she there?
- Yes.

They buried her with her father.

Did you see the grave?

What's it like?


Her mother didn't want 
anything fancy.

Look, mom, the sea!

We're in Famara.

Stop, please.
I'll get out here.

No, wait a minute.

How can you get out?

Go to Reception
and do what you have to do.

I'll wait for you on the beach.

I want to get out here too.

How can you get out in this wind?

- I don't mind the wind.
- Be quiet, Diego!

Stop the car please.

Mom, please, can I stay?

It's the first time I've seen the sea.

- Please.
- All right.

- Wrap yourself up.
- OK.

And don't go near the water.

Give him your hand.

Don't let go of him, please.

You wrap up too.

Careful, there's a step.

Let's go.

Wait for me here, please.

Harry Caine!

We're here!

We have to go, Harry.

Come on, Dieguito!

Give me your hand.

Can't we stay a bit longer?

No, you have to obey your mother.
You've had enough wind for today.

I'm here, Harry.

Careful you don't trip.

Do you remember Famara?

Perfectly.  It was the first time
I saw the sea.

I remember the kites
and a dog that was barking.

I remember the dog barking too.

What are you doing?

I'm trying to reconstruct
some of your photos.

I've got one that's almost complete.

What do you want to see
to cheer you up?

I'd like to hear
Jeanne Moreau's voice.

I don't have her number.

Find "Elevator to the Gallows",
by Louis Malle.

Fritz Lang...

Jules Dassin, Nicholas Ray...

Look up above.

Fanny and Alexander, Fellini 8 1/2,
Magnificent Obsession...

Elevator to the Gallows!
Here it is.

I've never seen it.

I hope you like it.

How can I throw it out?

The police have to find it...

Leave it!
It's "Girls and Suitcases".

I don't understand.

It's simple babe.

If the cops find 30 pounds
of uncut cocaine in my house

they could arrest me.

But I don't understand how
that suitcase appeared in your house.

Doesn't it sound odd?

As I was saying,

after I split up with my husband

I went out on the street 
and there was a guy eyeing me,

his ass... his feet...

I brought him home
and screwed him several times.

They're completely off key.

In bed?

A virtuoso.

Look, my hairs are standing on end.

How could I have chosen those takes?
They're both terrible!

What do you want to do today?

I have to go home.

Mom left a message that she's coming back today,
to celebrate your birthday.

It's my birthday?

That's what she says.

If Judit says so...

Happy Birthday!

I'll have to take you out to dinner.

Anyone at home?


I was dying to see you.

What's up?

Do they show a lot?

Today I didn't even have time
to wipe my ass.

Don't look at me like that.

I thought you'd be used to it.

Yes, I'm sorry.

You're so handsome!

Are you all right?
I was worried about you.

I'm fine.

Mateo looked after me day and night.


Don't you call him Harry anymore?

We have to buy him
a birthday present.

What have you been doing
all this time?


Watching films and talking.


About what?

Mom, for God's sake!

And what was wrong with you?

I'm not sure if 
I believe the gastoenteritis.

You used it as an excuse in a script.

I had an accident, but I'd rather
not talk about it now.

An accident?

What kind of accident?

- It's hard to explain.
- Try, I'm not so dumb!

We'll leave it for another day.
I'm fine now.

I'm going to buy some DVDs for Mateo.

I don't know what you've talked about
all these days,

but I do know what I haven't told you
in all these years.

I never asked you.

But you'll have asked yourself
a thousand times.

This is your birthday present, Mateo.

It's also for you, Diego.

After you two disappeared,
Ernesto Sr. only wanted revenge.

- Forget it, Judit.
- No.

- You've had a bad day today
- That's why.

I'd like to end it better.

Ernesto had a crazy plan
to get his revenge on you,

but to carry it out
he had to bribe us,

at least, me and Luis, the editor.

Even though it was crazy,
there was no problem.

We both sold out
without any objection.

Luis and I.

With me,

he was courteous enough
to provide me with an alibi.

He suggested I went to the U.S.
for six weeks, to the Mayo Clinic

so Diego could be cured
of his aspergilosis.

That way,
I wouldn't be present while he...

destroyed your film.

Because that was his plan:

To reduce the film to rubble.

I prefered to stay in Madrid

and have Diego cured here.

I wanted to witness everything.

If I was to betray you,

I wanted to suffer the price
I had to pay.

It was torture

seeing how Ernesto chose
all the worst takes

and how Luis edited them,

turning your film into a monster.

The only way to bear all that
was to suffer more.

I sold myself to Ernesto
out of pain and jealousy.

I couldn't bear or forgive

that you left with Lena
without saying a word.

With my treachery, I got my revenge
on you, on her and on myself.

The only innocent one was Diego.

Forgive me my love,

for how bitter I've been
all these years.

No one deserves to grow up with that.

Another gin and tonic, please.

Don't look at me like that.

Don't go on.
It isn't necessary.

Now that you're calling yourself
Mateo again, I've got no excuse.

You've told us everything.

No, not everything.

No one knew where you were.
We had no idea.

Ernesto organized all that,

the premiere, all that fuss,
so that you'd react.

His revenge was meaningless
if neither of you responded.

He asked me constantly
about your whereabouts

but I knew nothing either,
which was true.

That's why I didn't wan't to call you,
so as not to complicate your life.

Ernesto hired various detectives
to look for you.

But before they could find you.

You called me

two days after the premiere.

I was too ashamed to answer

and too dazed.
I still am.

When Ernesto asked me
about you again,

I don't know why,

I gave him the number in Famara.

He sent his son
to look for you on Lanzarote.

It was Ernesto Jr.
who found you after the accident

and called the hospital.

Did he have anything
to do with the accident?

But I keep thinking

that if I hadn't given
that number to his father

perhaps nothing would have happened.

Why do you think that?

I don't know.

A guilty conscience, I suppose.

Well, that's enough!

14 years with a guilty conscience
is enough.

Wait, I'll help you down.

Good night.

Call if you need anything.


Is not available.
Leave a message.

Hey Diego, it's Mateo.

I'm sorry to call so early.

Tell your mother to call me
when she can.

Harry, why so early?

I couldn't sleep.

Coffee and toast?

Yes, but first would you

call this number for me?

Ray X?


I'll get your coffee.

Who is this?

Sorry to disturb you.

This is Mateo Blanco.

Look at this!

You have to start the day well.

How do you feel?

A little bit hung over
but OK.

I think the catharsis last night
did me good.

- Let me help you
- No, sit down.

Yesterday I had one more thing
to tell you.

Tell me later.
We'll have breakfast now.

If I don't tell you now,
I may never tell you.

At the end of the 80s

Mateo and I,
had a love affair.

I thought so,

even before the catharsis last night.

- You did?
- It's obvious!

The same curtains
in your bedroom and in his,

souvenirs of Mexico and the Caribbean
in both houses,

the crosses...

There's something else you don't know.

Mateo is your father.

My father?

And the fleeting lover?

My supposed biological father?

Did you make him up?

I can hide things,

but I'm incapable
of making things up.

The fleeting lover existed.

We had an affair.
He was gay

and the affair was very brief.

Does Mateo know?

Are you crazy?

At the time he asked me
and I denied it, of course.

I didn't want
to pressure him

I didn't want that 
to change our relationship.

And I'd never asked him
if he wanted to be a father.


So Mateo is my father...

By the way,
he rang early this morning.

Mateo? What did he want?

For you to call him.

Why didn't you wake me?

Because after last night you
needed to rest 

and he didn't say it was urgent.

Pass me the phone.

Diego told me you called.
Are you OK? Do you need anything?

No, I'm not OK.

And yes, I do need something.

The 40,000 meters of negative

we shot in my last film, to edit it.

I'm at Ernesto Jr.'s house.

and I've found out that
the material was destroyed in '94.

I imagined something like that

but I didn't think
they'd do it so soon.

Why are you in Ernesto's house?

I think I'll blackmail him.

We need money
and he's got lots to spare.

I don't want Diego
going back to that damn bar.

I want to pay him a salary.

Don't be crazy!

There's no one else
to accuse of Magdalena's death.

Wait, I've got something to tell you.

Last night you said enough.

Listen to me!

I was production manager
on the film.

the only person with access
to the lab and the material.

After giving Ernesto's order
to destroy it, I intercepted it

I've got it all at home.

You're lying.

I didn't tell you last night because
I didn't know you wanted to edit it.

I took it all,

the double takes, the interneg,
the sound tapes, everything!

You can have it all.

That changes everything.

Get out of there, Mateo

and leave Ernesto in peace.

He's got nothing to do with this.

He still has to tell me
why he was in Lanzarote.

Bye, Judit.
I'll call you later.

Ernesto and his camera.

You remind me of a Peeping Tom

but I never wanted to kill you.

I'm not so sure.

This copy of "The making of"
will prove it.

Why do I want it?
I can't see it.

Someone you trust can see it
and tell you. Excuse me.

These are the final images of 
the documentary on Mateo Blanco,

also known as Harry Caine.

How's the "documentary",
as Ernesto calls it?

Very interesting.

What are you seeing now?

The last night
coming back from the restaurant.

How could he film us?
It was dark.

His headlights and the lighting
on the mobile sculpture

were enough to see what happened.

And he's retouched it digitally.

Ernesto didn't cause the accident,

and, as well,
he was the first to help you.

How could he film and drive at the same time?

I don't know.

Anything else I should know?

What are you watching now?

When you were waiting at the roundabout
for a car to pass on your left,

Lena and you kissed.

We kissed?
I don't remember that.

It's a normal kiss,
the kind couples give each other out of habit.

The last kiss.

Lena didn't die in your arms
like you'd dreamed,

but the last sensation 
she took from this world

was the taste of your mouth.

Is it here?

Play it frame by frame
so that it lasts longer.

14 years after shooting it,

I could finally edit
"Girls and Suitcases".

It's you.

- Did you get my messages!
- 1,000 from you and none from Ivan!

What's that suitcase?

It's Iván's. He's leaving me.

and the crutches?

His ex-wife, the lunatic,
pushed me down the stairs.

I've split up with my husband too.

I'm sorry.

I've made coffee,
do you mind pouring it?

I was looking for Ivan all night.

Then I had a photo session
and I still haven't slept.

Neither have K

- When did you two split up?
- Four days ago.


I saw it coming.

But after we broke up,
I went out on the street

and saw a guy looking at me.
Gazpacho! I'll have some.

I put in a whole box
of sleeping pills.


In case Ivan came.
He loves gazpacho.

Really, Pina!

That's nothing.  Since he didn't call.
I tore out the phone.

I tripped over it but I didn't ask 
because I didn't want to be nosy.

The bed?

Is that smoke?

I dropped a match and it went on fire.
I didn't want to put it out.

Fire purifies.

Get your coffee.

Were you telling me something?

I was telling you...

that I've got a suitcase at home too.

Your husband's?

A suitcase with 30 pounds
of top quality, uncut cocaine.

Are you a dealer now?

No! I'm still a councilor
for Social Affairs.

The suitcase appeared in my closet,
all of a sudden.

I have to get rid of those 30 pounds
right away.

There's a lot of drugs in politics,
because of the hours.

Between the party and the Council,
I could shift five pounds.

But the rest?

- Throw it away.
- Are you crazy?

I have to make sure the police
don't find it in my house.

- I don't understand...
- It's obvious!

If they catch me with all that cocaine
they'll arrest me.

Yes, but I don't understand how
the suitcase got in your closet.

As I was saying,

after I split up with my husband,
I went out on the street

and there was a guy eyeing at me,

His ass!

His feet!

I brought him home
and screwed him several times.

I'm very interested in sex
as a social matter.

How was it?

In bed? A virtuoso!

I've never seen anything like it!

What a big toe!

Look, my hairs are standing on end.

Then what happened?

After we screwed, he asked if he could
stay with me for a few days.

- Got any muffins?
- Yes, on the shelf.

And there's a creme caramel.

I'll have that afterwards.

So, he asked if he could stay
and I said all right,

but I wasnt promising anything.
I didn't want him to think I was easy.

Anyway, he turned up
with a suitcase and moved in.

Last night, on TV,

I saw he'd been arrested
in a drug bust.

He's one of the biggest
drug traffickers in the country.


So, kind of suspicious,

I open the suitcase

and I find it full
of bags of cocaine.

I took one,

went out on the street
and haven't been back since.

What a story!

I was surprised he screwed so well.

For men who live at that level of risk,
it's like evey screw is the last.

And there is no comparison.

Look at those goose bumps!

Yeah, I saw it before,
You've got a talent...

And the suitcase?

I was going to ask
if I could bring it here?

You hear?

I'll bring it here.

If they find it in my house,
it's not for what could happen to me,

although it's not ideal for
a councilor for social affairs,

but the mayor would be so upset.

And my party?
It couldn't take another scandal!

Don't shout.

The police!

How could it be?
No one knows you are here.

I've been
very striking since I was a child.

Act like you've come for coffee.

That's what we've got re-edited.

Do you think it's worth carrying on,

or is it crazy?

I pissed myself laughing!

I'm dying to see what happens.

It's wonderful, Mateo.

It's hilarious.
You have to re-release it.

No, what matters is to finish it.

Films have to be finished,
even if you do it blindly.

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